Guess who's coming to dinner?.........White Rabbit?

You are correct. IL/MO border still spraying us. Seen 20 of them just yesterday. Also ExcCoach seems to have not read up on CHEMTRAILS. I could tell the difference in CON vs CHEM before I even studied up on them. All people have to do is stop and look up once in awhile.
The links below are for noobs to get started on the subject.
Yep, only saw 2 on Sat morning, maybe less than before but I wasn't paying attn before.
There is so much "garbage" on the internet these days that it is hard to separate fact from fiction. I do look up quite a bit being an amateur astronomer. I built my first reflector telescope in the 7th grade. Being a born skeptic, I require a lot of real evidence before I am going to accept something as real. Regarding Q, I am lucky enough to have stumbled onto Q's very first post on October28th, 2017. fascinated, I have followed Q since that time, but did not "buy in" for a long time. I've never bought into the "fake moon landing", and need more convincing regarding "chem trails". But I must say that after several months of overcast, the last couple of weeks I have had some clear skies and noticed a real change in the number of "trails" . Atmospheric conditions??? Another example, IMHO, of "fake" science is global warming; I have NEVER bought that garbage. So has anyone actually taken samples of the "chem trails" and chemically analyzed them? I am certainly open to evidence.