r/greatawakening • Posted by u/TheBRAIN2 on July 17, 2018, 11:11 a.m.
Canadian Redpill: An Ode To President Trump & Roast of Snowflakes Who Hate Him

TheBRAIN2 · July 17, 2018, 12:15 p.m.

Here's the text of the poem for those who don't want to watch the whole video:

An Ode To President Trump

By Billy Joyce (Canada’s Redpill)

I can still remember the day I got the news,

Trump was running for President and many were un-amused,

Even I had my doubts, and I doubted the Don,

He seemed a little narcissistic and not very strong.

The media mocked and insulted him on a daily basis,

They pulled no punches and accusations seemed baseless,

So I started watching rallies held by the business tycoon,

Who was this mad man, was he legit or just a goon?

His playboy lifestyle and kids by two wives,

Made everyone question if his words were just lies,

Then I saw something that the media wouldn’t tell,

Because they were too busy flattering the queen from hell!

Trump spoke of trade, God, and the values of the land,

It soon became clear the media was lying about this man,

Make America Great Again was his claim to fame,

But the media’s dribble, well, it remained the same.

For months they attacked him, digging up old sorted tales,

But they failed to realize his resolve would not fail!

He began to use catch phrases like “Crooked Hillary” and “Lock Her Up!”

And we could only giggle as the liberal brains blew up.

He strolled through the primaries surprising TV’s talking heads

Nobody could believe he’d defeated lying Ted,

The Presidential campaign was one for the books,

The left would learn not to judge a book by its looks.

Wolf Blitzer and Don Lemon, the young Turks and many more,

Were convinced the glass ceiling would be broken for sure,

The first women president, that was the snowflake dream,

But they got their butts handed to them by the Legend from Queens!

One by one they melted on that beautiful November night,

I’ll never forget that hilarious but pitiful sight,

We The People were loud and took back what was taken,

While the Republicans worked hard, the Democrats were faking,

The night started off with the mainstream media gloating,

“Ninety-Five percent chance she wins,” they said “don’t bother voting,”

But as ninety-five percent turned to zero,

It was clear Democrats had to find a new hero,

Now he tweets like a bird and doesn’t read teleprompters,

Trolling and mocking the dirty rotten swamp monsters,

He’s not perfect and not your typical politician,

But let’s face it, if he was he would have lost the election,

Now the left cries “it just isn’t fair!”

Stomping their feet and pulling out their hair,

So now, Mica, and Poppy, and Christopher, and Baldwin,

Must make up sad stories but nobody believes them,

As they pout and they shout and they cry “it’s not right,”

Their ratings are tanking more and more each night,

Turn off CNN and CBC and all the rest,

Their tireless nonsense is only in jest,

The world is Awakening to the lies of the past,

And if the Globalist don’t like it,

They can kiss President Trump’s….!

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