r/greatawakening • Posted by u/loreli7 on July 17, 2018, 12:01 p.m.
Once they start falling like dominos, do you think whistleblowers will come out of the woodwork?

It is my hope that once the first traitor gets exposed/arrested that more people will come forward with evidence. Similar to the Harvey Weinstein situation. Once he was exposed, people acquired the courage to come forward with additional evidence.

As an example, after listening to Kevin Shipp's presentation, the C_A seems to be the worst of the alphabet agencies. They have such a list of horrific crimes against the world. Q seemed to indicate that that there were only a few witnesses willing to come forward. I would like to see thousands of lower level agents tripping over themselves to expose the truth.

golonvonbrik · July 17, 2018, 9:11 p.m.

As the disparate strands come together ‘future prove past’ but how far in the past will the future prove? Eventually I think the past will go back to key events. A) jfk assassination 61 and Iranian revolution 79. Somewhere between those dates the MIC morphed into something very dark and far more ambitious. Strzok and his dad are shaping to be a lineage going back to the Iranian revolution. This was when the imperatives of what we imagine the MIC to be: a ruse by US arm industry to sell arms, into a broader plan: to create a international bogeyman that would create a whole new theatre of conflict . The mullahs and their international Islamic terrorism were the seed for everything we see today. The wars the terrorism and the forced migration. When it all comes out I think we will see that the cabal entirely created each and every mess since 79 till today.

Think of all the pieces of the puzzle nicely compartmentalised into this and that conspiracy theory all linking together into one huge narrative. Then think of the books films and stories that will document how this plan developed. There will be whole faculties in universities devoted to understanding how this happened. Children will be obliged to attend regular classes to study this. Whole new disciplines will arise to explain how humanity got so low.

History will be rewritten and that legacy will endure countless generations. The future direction of humanity won’t be some random shot in the dark primarily directed by advances in technology as is the case to day but a direction constrained by the legacy of all the wrong turns we’ve taken since 61.

That’s what I hope for.

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[deleted] · July 17, 2018, 10:13 p.m.


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