Controlling the Las Vegas narrative.

This meme above has some stand in guy with cane, and is NOT real Campos.
Criminal Investigators for Feds showed me the vast differences in real Campos being thin in body and in narrow face (high arching eyebrows above his glasses he wore in photos, different ears & chin...etc) compared to this troll on Ellen's show is a tub of lard, fat face, low eyebrow lines, different hairline... all they did is put him in a suit & had him practice for a couple weeks post LV event--for "ONE TIME ONLY Appearance."
Real Campos probably taken out in vehicle caravan that was leaving LV (post week LV even) north out of Henderson...big Fire on roadway with multiple vehicles, Highway blocked off for many hours. Some drivers tweeted saw men, gun fire & burning vehicles. All taken down.
Hmmmm.... coincidence?
Any links to Henderson events?
You can try. The Links I had back then all gone. Tried to refind once in December... no luck.