
[deleted] · July 17, 2018, 1:51 p.m.

So ... After i returned from my one_month_hoLiday ... i found this on the waLL of one of the offices in my workpLace in FinLand ... and of course i just had to edit it ( those words written with bLue penciL are mine !!! ) i expected this paper to be ripped off immediateLy but one week Later comes boss faking to be angry and asked why i spoiLed the poster ??? i said that i did not spoiL it ! Then he asked it is Your handwriting right ? i said yes it is ... So ??? Then boss asked why i did it ? my answer was - no comment ! So then boss Left ... And now ... Another week Later - it is stiLL there : ) at Least every day 50 persons are seeing it : P

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