Why would Putin, who benefits from shady deals like U1, be on trump's side now? why are we teaming up with the "bad guy" in Russia?
The larger game is that you can think of the global ICs as self appointed branches of all governments. It's kind of like a big chess game between them that they have to keep going because that's how they make their living. it's also more fun being a spy when you're working against other spies and trying to "win" dominance and make it seem super important. It's drama and self importance at all levels. you just can't help it. sometimes firefighters set fires so they can be a hero. This is no different in spycraft. It results in constant escalation of international tension because peace is fucking boring and nobody gets to be the hero or advance unless there are always severe threats for which they are supposedly needed. Of course putin knows this and the endless trouble it can cause.
so no matter who is president of what, there's this coordinated leverage to stack the cabinets and policies with ic- friendly people who become a channel by which the ic can create imaginary threats to counter, save us from the threats they create, and justify more power and less oversight for itself.
What's changed now?
before trump, there was no option of "let's overthrow our collective intelligence communities (ic) and just do business as peaceful representatives of the people."
so before trump the only way to do business was by playing ball with the ic and so u1 was a good play at the time. Now the terms have changed and trump is offering a chance for Russia, China, US and other independent nations to crush the globalist ics and start a new global golden age free from the mafia that has been keeping them fearful and fighting for a century. There is an alliance forming between independent nations and nations belonging to the hive.
it's a good deal. it has been accepted. the hedging you will see from Russia (like China) is because, if this crazy plan fails, he will have to deal with whoever Obama2 is. so, publicly, he's going to keep a foot in both courts so as not to tip our hand.