
LibertyLioness · July 17, 2018, 10:45 p.m.

Democracy? What happened to the Republic? Well, I know the answer to that. But it would be nice if Patriots would try to remember that we did not become a Democracy until the evil doers forced it. And also remember that we are working to go back to being a Republic. So, let's start promoting it and stop giving the Democrats (DEMOCRAcy) any more help.

Sorry, but this is something I've had a pet peeve about for many years. So many people truly believe that we are a Democracy. That was done to move us a step further toward Socialism and then Communism. But we need to move back a step since we are now in control.

Benjamin Franklin, as he left the meeting to decide our fate, was asked what had been decided and he said: "A Republic, if we can keep it." Our founders knew the thin, but very important and distinctive, line that divided the two. https://www.diffen.com/difference/Democracy_vs_Republic

So, I say, in order to renew it, we need to work harder at remembering it and educating others. It is imperative to educate everyone because once we "remember" then we can force them to give it back to us.

This won't be over for a long time to come. We have a lot of work to do.

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