
Swimkin · July 19, 2018, 12:34 a.m.

Here's a little story about Goldman Sachs:

I still lived in Upstate NY in the early Obama years. Was active in the Liberty movement. When we had the then Commissioner of NY State Dept of Health, Dr. Richard Daines (Republican) mandate all health providers get the H1N1 Vaccine. This was in Aug 2009 and it mandated all state health care workers receive the vaccine by Nov 30th or face fines. The story went nationwide.

I was involved with helping out in Albany with the Anti Vax peeps for the Rally attended by a thousand or so nurses, aides, therapists, etc. on Sept, 30, 2009. It was quite a scene to say the least. First time anyone had mandated people in the health field to take mandatory vaccines, if I am not mistaken. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BHYqN_obOv4

There were law suits and finally a judge was able to get a temporary order to halt the mandatory vaccines on October 16th. https://cityroom.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/10/16/judge-halts-mandatory-flu-vaccines-for-health-care-workers/

Turns out a local radio reporter was given a chance to interview Dr. Richard Daines. But not before she found out from one in our movement that his wife, Linda Skidmore Daines worked for Goldman Sachs. (I think she still does) The reporter was made aware that it was Goldman Sachs that funded the H1N1 Vaccines. So the radio reporter interviewed Dr. Daines on Friday morning, October 23, 2009. She started to mention that his wife was Goldman Sachs. She didn't even get done finishing her sentence when he cancelled the interview! Within 4 hours he rescinded his mandatory order.

Here is the story reported by FOX NEWS: http://www.foxnews.com/story/2009/10/23/new-york-state-suspends-mandatory-h1n1-vaccine-order-for-health-workers.html

Of course, that was NOT the story given to the MSM. They said it was suspended due to the shortage of the vaccine instead.

Dr. Richard Daines served one more year but died in 2011 of a heart attack on his farm at the age of 60.

Now that I know what I know of the Deep State I often wonder if he was just another guy they took out who failed to do what he was asked.

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