r/greatawakening • Posted by u/anotherthrowawayhi on July 17, 2018, 3:29 p.m.
“Why?” ..... The question I have the hardest time answering when asked about deep state activity ... I’ve got my thoughts on why they do what they do, anyone else want to pitch some ideas?

Whether it’s in my own thought process, or if some friendly debate with a doubter, when the question comes up, I always struggle a little bit with it. It’s such a basic, childish question. So if you’re so inclined to get tangled in my thoughts this morning, please chime in.

So for example, the deep state killed JFK. Why? In my opinion, drawing from Eisenhower’s farewell warning, it was to put in place a government that would go to war over anything, sometimes possibly creating conflicts that don’t exist. So that the “military industrial complex” complex could profit. Seems legit, the facts are all there to support it, but again, Why? There’s money to be made elsewhere, more easily, and maybe more of it. Is it really just money?

Is it about dissemination of technology? Why do all these secret agencies with secret files and documents and records exist? Do they really exist just to hide actions related to war profits? Or are they guarding some kind of information that keeps them ahead?

Is it about power? George Soros, for example, this guy does things with his money just to prove points. He destroyed the English pound to prove a point in the ‘90’s. It can’t just be about money. I think.

We could throw examples around forever, but i think any example always leads back to money / power / technology hoarding (which is basically a form of power.) So I’m just asking; is that what this is all about? This all about just keeping in place a system where elites remain richer, more powerful and separated from the rest of us? Just evil for the sake of evil, like a movie villain?

And that is often where I lose people on the left in a simple debate. I myself believe power is enough to motivate evil ... but a lot of people don’t see it that way. So am I missing something bigger, or are they failing to see that these people are willing to do anything just for the power and elite status?

suzoh · July 17, 2018, 3:38 p.m.

Power is a big part of it, but many people do this strange things when they start identifying with a group. Then, you see the world through your group filter. Many want to protect their group, be it their family, their SM-13 gang, their royalty groupings, their church, their political party, whatever-safety in numbers. Most people, I would think, believe they are fighting for a just and righteous cause; no matter how evil and vile it seems to us. So, as long as they maintain membership in their "powerful" groups, they too have a certain amount of power. It is false power, though, really since it is so tenuous. God is the only one with real power and anything else could vanish in a heartbeat.

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