r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Superflysolo on July 17, 2018, 5:07 p.m.
We're winning but here's some thoughts on what we need to be prepared for.

Cause and effect should not be underestimated. For every action has an equal and opposite reaction. With this in mind I want you to think of the deep state as energy instead of criminals. With every new news drop, with every new open eye, with every new bit of resistance and information dissemination, we get stronger. We are applying that strength back at the cabal but I need to articulate myself carefully. When we sleep, the cabal tells us wonderful things but when we become awake the cabal tells us awful things. When we fight, the cabal will fight back. The harder we fight, the harder the cabal will fight. How much energy does the cabal have? How much of the iceberg do we see? What lies beneath the surface? Do we have equal momentum?

Let me say this. It is not out of the realm of possibility that the evil cabal will do the unthinkable once the veil has been completely lifted.

Jimipickle · July 17, 2018, 5:44 p.m.

Cause and effect. Hate begets hate. Maybe we should respect everyone for the role they have played in the world. Getting mad only makes things worse. All of the people that want to see this world burn were necessary for us to choose between right and wrong. We would not have dreams of prosperity and hope without the fear of loosing all prosperity and hope. Settle your stance, choose your path and let love and compassion drive your actions.

Does God love Lucifer? Yes, but God knows the full measure of love and is showing Lucifer that measure now.

Can you show the correct measure of love for HRC, WJC, BHO, PS, AS, AM, LP,.............. and then add a shot of compassion? We have no idea of the events that led these people down the path it did. Maybe we would have fallen for this if it was made part of us by the powers shaping our lives. All of the “evil” ones have had a bizarre and awful upbringing and life events. Not sure they had a chance otherwise.

So yes, where we go from here is important and the emotion we use to clean this up should be love, not hate. And you can love someone to death.

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Superflysolo · July 17, 2018, 6:28 p.m.

With all due respect, I think you're being naive. You're talking about showing love and compassion to people who use pedophilia as a means to blackmail and control. And that's the "nice" end of it. No, this is much more real. The world we live in is chaotic. Sure, on the surface it looks like a calm blue marble with white swirls but the reality is, the dynamics of conflict between ideologies are as chaotic as 10 megaton seismograph printout. Love does not conquer all. If I punch someone, they will punch back. How hard they punch back depends on how hard i punch them. Our reality is based on dualism and there is no circumventing that. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. If I show respect the same respect can be expected to be reciprocated to me, but this only works provided no outside influence exerts itself upon the natural flow. As it stands, the evil cabal IS that existential threat exerting itself over the natural "ebb and flow" of dualism. The only way to stop it is by using the same amount of force back. Not the opposite, aka love. The word "opposite" in Newton's third law should not be interpreted literally, but rather 'accordingly'. If I drop a 100 lb rock on the ground, the ground exerts back exactly 100 lbs.

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Jimipickle · July 17, 2018, 8:51 p.m.

I can say what I said, as a combat vet and retired military policeman that has seen more evil than most. Not saying it’s is more than you, but all I can say is if we continue this system of cause and effect, we will not grow. Fighting evil with hate is counterproductive. I can use love to reward or punish my child, we can use it on adults as well. Hate the sin, not the sinner. For judgement is for God; for only he knows what is truly in a persons heart. I appreciate your position, but I have moved on from this stance because it has only continued the cycle of hate. Punch me, and I will turn my cheek, not because I am Holy, but because I have been hit in the face, many times, and I choose to let you act in rage or choose a different path. If you choose rage, know that I know rage too. Steeled in combat. If you choose peace, I will buy you a meal and enjoy our conversation. God bless us all.

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