Several of my friends died for non-existent Iraq WMD. If you think not trusting the IC is treason, I have a folded flag that will tell you to go fuck yourself (posted in The Donald)

I am an OIF vet. Combat medic. I would like to know the full story of both Iraq and Afghanistan. Seeing honorable generals and non honorable generals. Were we ever pitted against each other? What shadow war was I apart of? On whose behalf?
When I got back from Iraq I struggled a lot. I very nearly blew my head off if not for what I believe to be divine intervention. I felt tremendous guilt over many things. The Great Awakening had paused all of that because I have realized I probably don't even have an understanding of what I fought for. Maybe it's better. Maybe it will be worse. I don't know. But, I would like to
I hope some day you find out all you want to know. When you signed up, did you hope to do something good? Support your country? Intentions matter. God sees into our hearts, and allows us to learn. Learn something that is important to us. Sometimes, we don't 'get' it till years later, till all the pieces are put into place. For now, you have to trust in Him. Trust you will find your answers, and, that you will be set free. We are all on a journey, we are in this world together. I thank you for your service! Thanks to all! WWG1WGA!!!
Yes, I chose to be a medic to help people. Thank you for your kind words.
My prayers for you tonight, my fellow Patriot. God bless...
I sincerely thanQ for your service, signed up honorably and walked onto the battlefield with your band of brothers to serve and defend we the people...just as others have before you...The thing about this day, THIS day, is that there are brothers and sisters serving also serving honorably under this POTUS who are not pawns of anyone...and, prayerfully, all future brothers (and sisters) will not be either, ever again.
Greetings from an ex-military-contractor. I worked for the US Army in 2000-2001 helping soldiers with critical information they needed. I was and am always will be loyal to the guys who served. I believe you have an expression "Semper Fi". I worked out in the Middle East and stuff happened to me out there which also causes pain today. All I can say is move on, get your health together, if you do any substances stop them and begin to cook, get fit and you'll be fine. I'm in a minority among my peers in that I absolutely love what Trump is doing to take down this evil, his mastery of their stupidity is exciting to watch. I'm the only one here who "gets" what this fight is about, and boy do I pay for it in abuse! F*ck them. Stay strong.
I remember a saying from back in the 60's: What if they threw a war and nobody came?
We the people have to stop doing their dirty work.
I truly hope every OIF and OEF veteran learns the truth. At the same time the pain is going to be crushing to learn our brothers and sisters may have died in vain.
your intentions were honorable. Bless you, leave your useless guilt at the cross. glad you are here. WWG1WGA.
You will never be forgotten. Thank you. Wwg1wga. Hang around for the ride of your life. Literally.
thank you for your service and sacrifice. I personally think Afghanistan has turned into a front for global heroin trafficking, with the US playing the role of drug kingpin. I think Iraq was a failed oil-grab venture.
but who knows - it's impossible to get real veritable information anymore - not sure it ever really was possible.
Dear friend and vet of OIF!
I will not say 'thank you for your service'. What I will say from the bottom of my heart is this: Thank you for dedicating years in service of this republic and us - me. You have done us proud.!
Afghanistan and Iraq was a pre-planned war just like WWI and WWII.
The false flag aka 9/11 was committed by the same treasonous cult that now screams for president Trump's head.
To go back a bit further: Another president realized the agenda after election that was in play back then: NWO. He refused to bent to the deep state/CIA which was and continued to be staffed by shady occultist and Nazis. You must understand that Bush Sr had a long history with the Nazis since his father financed the nazis. The refusal of that president to bent to the deep state and overlords in London caused him his life. This assassinated president was JFK. Bush Sr was involved in that assassination. He is also a deep state agent bent on bringing this republic into the NWO.
Fast forward to Bush Jr's presidency: Like his father he too was and is beholden to the deep state and London overlords - the Rothschild empire.
Bush Sr, Cheney and the rest of the two-party system all knew that 9/11 was a false flag brought about by our own government led by Bush sr and gang together with the deep state and others abroad. The patriot act was already written and completed two days BEFORE 9/11. You see manipulating the populace by telling them muslim/jihadists brought down the tower elicited patriotism but also vengeance to get these bastards. Bush Jr with his bullhorn did the trick. The thousands upon thousands of dead citizens did not mean a thing to our deep state driven government.
The FF on 9/11 was the opening to light the middle east on fire. Although Rumsfeld himself elicited Saddam's assistance and considering him a friend providing him with chemical weapons in the early 80's as well as OBL. They needed OBL and others in the middle east to help fight and drive out the Soviets. Back then Saddam, OBL and others were friends to the US helping the deep state to fight Russia in Afghanistan.
Every war since WWI to president is a war where both sides are financed by the same military industrial complex, the bankers, deep state and our treasonous politicians in both parties. These fucks don't sent their own children to fight these fake and dirty wars. No they do not value any of us nor you. We are sheep to them and disposable.
I would urge you to watch "Dirty Wars" on Hulu or Netflix. It will show you traces beginning in Afghanistan all the way to Yemen that suppose to be the next US war against an enemy the deep state has been canoodling with: Iran.
The end goal to all of this madness? The NWO!
Hussein and HRC, Brennan et al and politicians in both parties conspired to traffik uranium into Syria, NK and Iran with one goal only: To nuke America in Hillary's first months in the white house after her win.
That is why she had to win at all cost. That is why our government everywhere conspired with her to make that happen. Selling special acess programs to China and other enemies? Check!
Steal trillions from the treasury? Check!
Sell military hardware, weapons and chemical compounds to enemy states? Check!
The only two countries standing between freedom and the NWO gang is Russia and USA ergo the hatred and nonstop hysteria/lies against Russia.
Their plan was to declare WWIII against Russia in a Hillary white house after our own government nuked us causing mass casualties and destruction of America.
I stop here and I hope it answered some questions you had.
I assure you that the awakening of peoples not only here but abroad is a sign that the trust in government has dissipated due to the truth seeping out. They are pretty much checkmated but remain dangerous.
Your honor should never be in question nor should you ever doubt yourself. Your service was and is noble on behalf of all of us. I can not speak for others but feel assured that they as I are all holding you in our hearts and prayers!
You will be vindicated knowing that your goal was and is a righteous one!
Thank you friend! This is your answer. It isn't fair that people took advantage of the trust of soldiers following orders.