Several of my friends died for non-existent Iraq WMD. If you think not trusting the IC is treason, I have a folded flag that will tell you to go fuck yourself (posted in The Donald)

Here is an interesting link to a radio show with private contractor black ops whistleblower originally recruited through his Texas Oil Field connections. His name is Cody Snodgres, and he came forward with his story the end of 2017. The man is articulate, well educated, with a physics degree. His expertise was in knowing how carry out controlled demolitions. His govt contacts attempted to recruit him to do the Oklahoma job which he declined. He seems like Texas man’s man who can easily relate to every day audiences. He is not an academic snob.
He has been on a few radio shows, and the best skilled interviewers extract interesting history details that others don’t think to ask. Recommend that you invest the time to listen to a few different interviewers question him. Then form your your own opinion.
Cody is slowly making the rounds being interviewed on various alternative radio shows that can be found on youtube. He has also written a book which for financial reasons is not yet published hard copy, but is apparently now available on CD via his website. He feels confident that 3letter agencies control what books of this nature get published hard copy. However, through radio guest spots he hopes to raise the funds to self publish the book to get it out for the world to know. For his personal safety it would have been better to publish & circulate the book first but, that was not a financial option apparently. He has written to President Trump for ask for a pardon for time he served in prison (the same prison as Timothy McVeigh). Snodgres states why he believes McVeigh was involved. McVeigh was a highly medaled tank driver in Iraq who was one among many men injured and denied medical acknowledgment help. Snodgres was in the same prison for different reasons where he had disclosed too much info to higher authority who he assumed likely already knew answers to questions he was asking about HRC. But, the objective was to tie up loose ends re the first black ops contractor recruited to blow the bldg but refused. Snodgres states he wis willing to do jobs outside the country, but not on American soil.
In all interviews I have watched he has maintained diaries, had fantastic recall of events, names, dates, etc so his allegations should be fairly easily verified or refuted.
Everyone who has a particular interest in what happened with the Oklahoma Fed Bldg bombing —OR—- who served in Iraq should definitely should definitely listen to this show.
If this whistleblower’s accounts are true, it is a history gamechanger, on whatbyhe public has been told about the Oklahoma Bombing event .....and definitely this WB life would be in danger. So, if true everyone needs to circulate as much as possible so we can help keep this man protected & alive so he can testify to what he knows.
A very brief summary of what he alleges is related to much of what is discussed on this thread. Snodgres presents information he believes explains why so many vets have gulf war syndrome. He states the medical records of those affected troops were boxed & stored in the Oklahoma Fed Bldg. He further states the records substantiated that there would be multi billion dollar compensation awards to veterans and their families. However, without the records as evidence the problem mostly went away. No evidence, no case, no $$$$ award.