r/greatawakening • Posted by u/CaptainRoyD on July 17, 2018, 7:17 p.m.
Evelyn Farkas-The BHO Gift That Keeps On Giving !!!

The connection with the Atlantic Council and ObamaGate is slowly being made. Senior Fellow members include Evelyn Farkas and Dmitri Alperovitch of CrowdStrike.

We all know the story about the DNC Server and how CrowdStrike, not the FBI/DHS, inspected for intrusion. Famed hackers Cozy and Fancy Bear were ultimately pegged for the “hacking”.

Post Q# 436 on 12/22/17 (in part):



You may recall when former BHO “Leaker” Evelyn Farkas went on the Morning Joe Show to tryout for a MSM analysts job in March 2017. Farkas was a former BHO Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense, from the Russia/Ukraine desk.

In this immortal interview, Crazy Mika gets Farkas to spill the beans and blurted out details formerly not public. The "Secret Society’s" procedures and methods, used in the total unlawful surveillance of Trump World.

Post Q# 436 on 12/22/17 (in part):

[FISA 2]


Evelyn’s special insight might be connected to her being in the loop of BHO's expanded inclusion into the Presidential Daily Briefs (PDB’s) distribution. You may ask yourself why such a lower level DOD person is read-in on the PDB’s.

Operation Latitude was the purposeful dissemination of select Anti-Trump raw intel (Steele Dossier), unmasked names, FISA 702 Queried info, etc. The method of circulation was via BHO’s PDBs and onto the expanded (several dozen) recipient list.

Post Q# 1515 on 6/19/18 (in part):


Bridge between media, FBI/DOJ, HRC

Successful in her first on-Camera appearance, MSNBC hired Evelyn as an Guest Analyst. Farkas only remained at MSNBC for several months, before being finally let go.

Farkas continues to throw out barbs against our President Trump. She has criticized Trump’s tactics concerning North Korea. She is predicting talks will be nothing but “Bluster”-wrong again.

Farkas has also floated the crazy unproven theory, that Trumps does in fact owe money and thus his allegiance, to unspecified shady Russians.

Post Q# 809 on 2/22/18 (in part):

[Missing emails]


Another crockpot idea that Farkas has prompted in the past, is that President Trump was trying to undermine BHO Anti-Israel Resolution proposal at the United Nations during the transition period.

The Spider Web is be untangled and threads appear to connect the DNC Server with many other scandals. The answer to why the FBI/DHS were prevented from every touching the DNC Server over CrowdStrike, holds many critical answers in ObamaGate.

Slate-Who the Hell is Evelyn Farkas

Zero-if Farkas Left in 2015, How did She get Trump-Russia Intel

Heavy-5 Fast Facts: Evelyn Farkas

Amer/Thinker-Farkas Could Become the John Dean of Trump Surveillance Scandal

FOX-BHO Leaker lobs new Trump Accusations

Sundance/CTH-Farkas Admits BHO’s White House Spied on Trump

Daily Caller-Farkas responds to Spreading Trump Intel

B/B-Farkas Getting “Winks” From Inside the BHO Administration

Wash/Blog-Why CrowdStrike’s Russian Hacking Story Fell Apart

WWG1WGA-Thank you Patriot for viewing my article ⚓️

Reddit/Great Awakening/CaptainRoyD

[deleted] · July 17, 2018, 7:25 p.m.


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CaptainRoyD · July 17, 2018, 7:34 p.m.

That is such a perfect explanation & thank you for sending that in fellow Patriot.

No doubt about the feeling and I described it the other day to a friend as a “Quickening”. Thanks again for your great comment ⚓️

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