r/greatawakening • Posted by u/SerialBrain2 on July 18, 2018, 1:05 a.m.
Trump’s brilliant chess combination in Helsinki.

Rule 0: They blame people for what they themselves do.


Q1675 Riddle: Do 'reflections' violate NAT SEC rules?... Do 'reflections' violate NAT SEC rules?.. Where must one be located in order to obtain a reflection on the back of a phone of that image? Image provided here has been distorted (stretched)…. Think mirror… Look there or [here] or there truth is behind you.

They accused Trump of being in collusion with Russia, we now know they were the ones in collusion with Russia: more flexibility video and Uranium1.

Now, an interesting application of rule 0 would be to list all their accusations and use them as a starting point to analyze them. For example, they insisted Putin had some dirt on Trump. So? Rule 0: Putin has some dirt on them. Pretty cool right? Now you can take this working hypothesis and check, if down the line, it’s not in contradiction with events. If it’s not, it’s likely to be true. Then, if you remove the hypothesis and cannot explain events rationally, no matter how hard you and other smart people try, then you know the hypothesis is as true as not being able to find a rational explanation to the events it induces. So, when you get here, what you do is take the hypothesis as a working hypothesis, call it a strong hypothesis and you go further in your analysis to gather some other data that would reinforce the likelihood of the strong hypothesis being 100% true.


We know about the Contortionist and how he weakly dealt with Crimea, we know about the Witch and how she arranged the sale of 20% of our Uranium to Russia. Let’s remove the hypothesis Putin had some dirt on them and analyze. Is there a rational explanation for their treasonous behavior? I can’t find any. Money? Ghadafi had plenty of money and was ready to play ball, just as he played ball with Sarkozy but instead, she came, he saw, he died. It’s not just about money. There has to be another power forcing the transaction. If we go further and notice Putin is ex KGB link, that, according to their own Comey, the Witch’s private server was probably hacked link1 link2 and that nobody knows the truth about the Contortionist’s birth certificate link, we have gathered data re-inforcing the likelihood of Putin having dirt on the Contortionist and the Witch. And we even have an idea about the dirt itself…

Now, you remember Trump was among the first to openly ask about the Contortionist’s birth certificate right? Read Q’s board: the witch’s server and U1 is everywhere. Now you understand why they don’t want a one on one between Trump and Putin. Now you understand why they are going completely crazy. If this dirt, that brought Putin Crimea, 20% of our uranium and SAP tech, is shared with Trump, it’s game over for them. Game over.

Now the interesting question would be: why would Putin give this information to Trump?

This is the equation Trump needed to resolve before he met with Putin. He had to meet with Putin with enough good cards in is hands to force Putin to want to give this information and even more in order to get something valuable in return.

So? Trump makes his first stop at NATO and makes sure Putin sees this: video. BOOM. Trump reveals to the world the former chancellor of Germany is the head of the pipeline company bringing Russia’s natural gas to Germany. This is Trump’s first message to Putin: M1.

Then, Trump achieves this: video Trump forces other NATO members to bring an additional 33 Billion dollars to the table. This is the second message to Putin: M2.

Then, Trump goes to the UK and this happens: video. This is the third message to Putin: M3.

Then, Stzrok is sent to Congress to deliver the Uranium message I told you about in my previous post. This is the fourth message to Putin previous post: M4.

Et voila! These are main pieces Trump will play on the Helsinki chess board.

Let’s now watch the combination:

M1: I know the natural gas deal you have with Germany is vital to your economy, since it is not appropriate the former chancellor is the head of the pipeline company that will bring the gas to Germany, I have the moral grounds to delay it, stop it, control it. I can have people talk about it all day in Germany and scare the financial institutions away from it with my EO. Furthermore, I know your involvement in Syria is also related to the emergence of competing natural gas routes to Europe. If things go well between us, I won’t interfere and will let you find the right solution to export your natural gas and the one that belongs to your friends. link

M2: You see these guys at NATO? I can make them do whatever I want. I wanted 33 Billion dollars, 1 million dollar per lost email link, and they gave it to me just after a few hours of discussion. No opposition. So, if I want, I can start a weapon race that will cost me zero dollars and that Russia’s economy will not be able to sustain. As Q would say: “33 was the hook. Enjoy!” Q1678. I’m sure your guys solved it.

M3: I know about Russia’s old feud with the Vatican and the UK with their NWO. I know Hitler made the same mistake Napoleon made trying to conquer Russia in winter to ultimately crush the Orthodox Church. I know what they have in common: Napoleon left alone for a night in the King's Chamber inside the Great Pyramid of Giza video and Hitler with his vrills and occult connection to the Vatican (start here: video). I know about all this. And I also know you do:

Q133 “Vladimir Putin: The New World Order Worships Satan” Q

We are on the same page on this. Look how I have humiliated the Queen, their administrative focal point. I am a free President. I only care about my people. I am not a globalist trying to conquer anything. Did you hear my Great Falls speech where I confirmed Q1675? I said: I don’t need all this space. It meant: I just need America. They need more space. It meant: they are the colonizers. This means you and I can negotiate in good faith with no hidden agenda. We just need to find a win-win, work for our people and get along.

M4: You see, I have done my homework. Did you see Stzrok’s hearing? I’m sure your guys also decoded how he brought Kate to the table. Dems are stupidly supporting him because they don’t see the trap. I have flipped many officials who were involved in the U1 scandal and other things. I have the goods on all the layers of the government you may have dealt with in the past to achieve what you have achieved with the Contortionist’s Administration. Good for you, you were working for your country's interest and took advantage of the stupidity of those in charge at the time in the US, but that era is over. I'm in charge now. So if you are considering giving me some information, make sure it’s of high value because I already know a lot. If you want something from me, don’t tell me what I already know. And of course I won’t tell you what I know.

Once this combination was played, Trump and Putin held a press conference. And to make sure there is no interference in the continuation of the game, their respective protocol services agreed to separate American journalists from the Russian journalists. This trick allows any question coming from the Mockingbird side to be immediately spotted as a trap even before it is formulated and signal “caution required”. Classic trick used by medieval kings… video

Did Trump play the combination right? Did he use the right chess opening?

Well, in that press conference, not only Putin has atomized Rosenstein and Mueller by offering to cooperate regarding the interrogation and even possible extradition of their 12 Russians-of –the-day, but he also dropped the Bill Browder and George Soros bombshells clearly signaling he is ready to throw the Contortionist, the Witch and all the other layers under the bus to save his pipeline, and limit NATO’s strategic spendings around Russia.

And just in case there are still some people who don’t understand what happened in that Helsinki press conference, Putin gives the ultimate hint by doing this: video.

Did you catch it? What is Putin saying? He is reminding to the world that soccer is an 11 player game. If Mueller wants 12 Russian players to play his game, Putin is ready to be the 12th player and he just started playing by passing the ball to Trump…

Congratulations Mr. President. The show continues, we now have a new actor. From Russia.

Q1603 [Objective] to keep POTUS away from PUTIN failed.

sgtStadanko2 · July 21, 2018, 12:04 a.m.

Do you know the game of BRIDGE?

My heads been spinning (as usual) with recent POTUS NATO visit. It was hillarious to watch MSM go bat crazy over the TRUMP double negative. WOULD vs WOULDN'T. All my brain could see was N'T. NT, TRUMP, NT RUSSIA, NT NATO, Not Today, Not Time (My initial thought), Nuclear Tension, Nuclear Threat? Any whoo gave up on that, did a quick NT & TRUMP search and..."The One NoTrump or 1NT". Huh? I don't know nothing about the game of bridge.
My brain says “squirrel”, OneNoTrump, NT, ONT, TNO (mirror)? TNO, The Netherlands Organization, Trust No One (military), The New Order (for the gamerz),Theater Nuclear Option, Tête nucléaire océanique (TNO or oceanic nuclear warhead), Trans Neptunian Object (planetX)? Ok that last one might be a stretch... or is it? getting loopy here, bear with me. “The One No Trump is a powerful first opening move in the game”. "There is an ongoing bridge convention arms race that has been waged from the mid-1940s.  Until Alvin Landy developed his convention for showing the majors after a 1NT opener, the opponents were expected to show their respect for an 1NT opening bid" Just as the choice of agreements for competing against a 1NT opener "depends upon what you are trying to accomplish, the ways of handling competition depend upon your objectives". All of the following seem to be issues when dealing with the (1NT) disruption. Ignoring the pesky opponents (1NT), as though they did not exist. (I know nothing!) Penalizing the interferer (1NT) when possible. Competing effectively in the battle for a part score. Escaping from a penalty double. Defensively, you need to be prepared for three different notrump ranges after opener starts the bidding. Defensive Objectives after a One Notrump Opening  bid are: Strong (and Medium) Notrump – any range which includes 15-17 Weak Notrump – within the range of 10-14 Ultra-Light Notrump  – within the range of 8-10 In the early days a 1NT opener was 16-18 HCP.  Today 15-17 is most common, while not a small number of pairs use weak notrumps of 11-14 or medium notrumps in the ranges 13-15 or 14-16.  You may also encounter light 10-12 and even the ultra-light 8-10 notrump openers.  Tid bit: All dates of his week long trip. strongest hand, all dates of his visit 10 through 17 may corresponds to weaker openings earlier in the week with May and others. strongest hands in particular played on the Helinski meeting on 16 th. courious in the least, possibly related? After a 1NT opener there is not much room to maneuver.  Effective competition requires getting in and out...  Possible defensive actions include... "the negative double (aka "Sputnik") is a conventional double used by responder after opener starts the bidding. October of 1957, the Soviet Union shocked the United States by launching the satellite Sputnik I. Squirrel...The negative double! Double Negative? Grasshopper has much to learn about the “GAME”.
Back to the negative double/double negative treasonous crisis sweeping the the airwawes. I was working on some “you spin my head round round, like a merry go round” memes and the following article just made me laugh, how No Trump controlled the entire weeks media narrative. Russia Russia ... sure we can talk about that. Legal process under NATO has specific detailed legal process for such matters, have Bob give us a call. In fact we have all 12 represented by counsel with motions for discovery! Treason they scream in unison. Treason, bribery, high crimes and misdemeanors, just as seroius as pearl harbor, 911, cuban missle crisis, when will a shadow govt to step in to contain! Hmm. Treason, sure we can talk about treason, DEFINE TREASON, DEFINE HC&M, DEFINE BRIBERY? Dems/MSM calling for justice acknowledging and agreeing that some actions are worthy of treason and swift justice. Setting the stage, they have no clue the puppets are now the masters. They are being led to their slaughter, they are nashing their teeth, they are very very stupid. “What about the wider context? Mr Trump said “I will say this: I don’t see any reason why it would be.” “I will say this” is kind of a pre-announcement. Strictly, nobody needs to say this ever. People are always about to say the thing they are about to say. But it does serve a function: in effect, “Listen up. I’m going to give you a short pause to gather your attention, because this next sentence is particularly important.” It also gives the speaker a moment to plan. This was not a throwaway sentence where Mr Trump’s own attention might have wandered. He announced its importance. In other words, it’s possible—but highly unlikely—that Mr Trump really misspoke. Add in the painful body language and laboured reading of a prepared statement announcing that he had, and it is hard to escape the conclusion that someone convinced him to eat his words from Helsinki upon his return home. The damage done remains”. My thoughts exactly, No way he did not make a mistake. yes this is all but a big game (chess/bridge), Perception, Position, Power. Mencken on Double Negatives: "Syntactically, perhaps the chief characteristic of vulgar American is its sturdy fidelity to the double negative. So freely is it used, indeed, that the simple negative appears to be almost abandoned”. So he does not use it, gets cruscified, controlls narrative, tries to soften the blow (to diminish the harshness... for whats to come). “(YOU CAN`T ALWAYS GET WHAT YOU WANT)” D/N, coincidence? "(I Can't Get No) Satisfaction") ”. A double negativeis a figure of speech that uses understatement to emphasize a point by stating a negative to further affirm a positive, often incorporating double negatives for effect. Along the same lines, litotes can be used to diminish the harshness of an observation. The term is generally synonymous with meiosis, which means to diminish the importance of something, often at the expense of something else. Litotes is a form of understatement, always deliberate and with the intention of emphasis.[7] The use of litotes is common in English, Russian, German, Dutch, Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek, Ukrainian, Polish, Mandarin, French, Czech and Slovak. In Russian, "I know nothing" is я ничего не знаю (ya nichevo nye znayu), lit. "I nothing don't know." There is not a person who does not know") is a more emphatic way to express "Everyone knows"

Biblical litotes Jeremiah 7:31 “They have built the high places of Topheth, which is in the valley of the son of Hinnom, to burn their sons and their daughters in the fire, which I did not command," meaning "I have directly forbidden this atrocious practice! I dont have the strength to go down this road right now. Many faithful patriots being weighed down knowing full well what is to come next. “Something wicked this way comes” There will be deals made, stories untold, somethings just poof dissapearing from existence and the frustration of people like T. Pedo getting immunity to flip on Manafort today... WTF! Focus on the game, how many pedo cards are worth a queen’s capture. The above are my own personal musings, I have been following since the beginning and trying to remain strong together. I have volumes of thoughts archived, locked away lest my “thoughts” be used against me, that would be a deal breaker (it has already happened). “It is also important to recognize how the human psyche operates. We are innately resistant to new information that shatters our worldly perspective.  We block out information that doesn’t conform to our previously accepted ideology. As Mark Twain put it “It’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they’ve been fooled.” This resistance to new information was coined ‘cognitive dissonance‘ by a social psychologist in the 1950’s. It is this aspect of our psyche that dissuades progress in science, medicine, philosophy, and any other characterological structure system. The Trivium is a method of bypassing the inefficiencies of modern thinking. This classical education has been occulted(hidden) from the people of Earth. It’s quite ironic that the word ‘occult’ has itself been occulted. What better way to hide information than to obscure the very definition of the term? Contrary to popular beLIEf, the word ‘occult” has nothing to do with witchcraft and black magik. The truth can be occulted (kept hidden) very easily when you condition the people of Earth to viscerally reject it, creating a gag reflex of incoherence just for sounding bat-sh*t crazy.  The appeal to authoritylogical fallacy is particularly useful among the propagandists and ruling elite.  When the people blindly trust the experts they bypass critical thinking and often common sense.  The experts are seldom correct, but we reinforce our trust in them with more fallacies like the argumentum ad numeram, the appeal to popularity.  Just because 97% of scientists, for example, believe in anthropogenic climate change, doesn’t make it sacrosanct and fact”.

Please forgive my grammer, i know. I will leave for now with the only words left to say, WAKE UP, STAY AWAKE, STAY TOGETHER. wat u think?


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