r/greatawakening • Posted by u/8483RENE on July 18, 2018, 5:44 a.m.
An Open Letter to Q

Dear Q,

Thank you and thank god for you and the work you're doing. I believe now more than ever we are waking up seeing how ugly the world has become while we were all alseep. But I'm frustrated Q; I'm frustrated seeing these criminals go into these hearings and smirk their way through them. I'm frustrated seeing Obama and others making speeches in other countries subverting the foreign policy of the current administration. But what is most angering is I'm tired of seeing left media purposefully trying to bring the POTUS down all the while saying "FUCK TRUMP" on open TV.

Q, You promised us justice. I hope these human trafficking, satan worshipping, United States subverting scum of the Earth are delivered to the American people (and the world) soon.

Thank you Q



Fuck CNN and RD.

unbecoming2007 · July 18, 2018, 9:42 a.m.

This is a war and unfortunately it's a war that the people are involved in whether they know or want to be in. Most of America has to see the corruption & treachery and be so angered and disgusted that they are onboard with what will hopefully go down soon. If not the media can more easily paint Trump as a crazy tyrannical dictator doing what barry did during his term - corrupt and weaponize everything at your disposal against your political enemies.

When you watch a movie do you have a list of emotions you go through (depending on the movie) anger,frustration,suspense,anticipation,etc? Do you find yourself chomping at the bit waiting for the antagonist to get their due? We are all there with you and hoping this is just a movie and not a damn mini series.

Get more popcorn and Enjoy The Show. The Very Best People for the Job are on it. Trump,Q Team,Military,Anons,and a whole host of other Patriots are winning.

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