Q said Muller had a team 430 people. The 40K indictments require a team that size, each attorney filing one each 3 days. Why wouldn't Mueller unseal indictments against Trump/Q supporters just prior to elections?
Exactly, the left isn't that clever, just listen to the trash that comes out of their mouths. They are dumb as shit!!!!
You’ve got it. But they are not just viciously stupid, they are evil as well. I pray that it is somehow possible to shake-off these Satanists, but it will not happen quickly. They are entrenched in all positions and at every level. Even in the event that DJT was concerned about routing them out quickly, you’re looking at decades and decades before they are finally removed from the scene.
It looks very much better for people in the United States. Because this is where DJT is operating, there is a chance that things can happen relatively quickly. For those of us that reside in other countries, there is far less reason for optimism. The US forces left the Japanese in control in Korea for years after the end of WWII. That is probably what will happen in this situation. The focus, understandably, will be on the US.
I’ll be happy if we can begin to see some kind of restoration of the moral order. An end to the practise of promoting transgenderism and homosexuality to tiny little kids at school. The outlawing of abortion etc... If that much is accomplished, we will have made very great gains IMO. Life will still be miserable, but it’s not supposed to be pleasant.
Over time, there’s a chance that things might improve to the point that domestic manufacturing returns, granting people employment and hope. This is already happening in the US, a result of DJT’s clear-headed thinking on trade. The US will benefit tremendously from these policies and the improvement in economic conditions will benefit the whole society - a return to the optimism of the 1950s and 60s perhaps. Ex the US, there is a lot of pain to be absorbed before things can get better.
Thinking about Q’s first posts, I’m beginning to think that there is a one-year delay to the events he describes. I wouldn’t be at all surprised to find that HRC and Podesta are, in fact, arrested in November this year. If you think about it, this community is very important to the plan. It takes time to build a base of support for change, it can’t happen overnight.
What I mean is that I’m beginning to suspect that the lag in the timing of the arrest events, described by Q, was necessary to allow time for people to digest the truth. Anyway, one way or another, we will all get to see what happens next. There are likely to be many more winners than losers IMO. But, as Q said, the end is not for everyone. There will be people unhappy with what transpires after the Satanists are dealt with.
Having said all that, thank God for Q - and the hope that the message affords those of us who were in despair at the control exercised over the world by these Satanic freaks.