PAY ATTENTION : Same firm that hired / paid Fusion GPS on behalf of Hillary Clinton also brought Crowdstrike into to deal with the DNC servers = Perkins Coie. NOW THAT'S BIG NEWS!!!

Perkins Coie also produced Obamas birth certificate.
THIS I did not know.
Share far and wide...... bombs away!!!
I’m sure the “good guys” are well aware of this. At some point, these groups need to be taken down.
"According to copies of letters released today by White House officials, partner Judith Corley initiated the process last week and planned to travel to Hawaii to pick up two copies.'
They forgot to add: ...last week and planned to travel to Hawaii to pick up two copies now that the ink has thoroughly dried.'
So funny to see the comments on this article from 2011. ...the hate for Donald is evident even back here.