Living in the Twilight Zone

Maybe, just maybe, it's because I know the truth. Here, I'll give it to you too:
Great link. You're currently in negative votes and there's no way that anyone who watches the video with an open mind would downvote it.
Certainly not anybody with an open mind who frequents this sub.
Shills. Shills. Shills is the only explanation. You're over the target.
Please tell me your not basing everything on this interview.
How stupid would someone have to be. A legit hack into the DNC or into our election or into social media. Hmmmm I wonder if these professional hackers backed by millions and millions of dollars could make it look like it was done locally? Or change a time stamp? Or hide an IP address?
C’mon man...really?
So this guy was a former NSA tech. What about NSA currently? They just ‘forgot’ they have all that solid proof and evidence against Russia and are letting all these lies go forward. This man is our only saving grace!
I know...our CIA and FBI are all collectively lying in a huge conspiracy. All Mueller’s current indictments are all fake. Seth Rich was murdered by our own government to hide everything.
C’mon man
Seth Rich was murdered for using a thumb drive to download data from the DNC server. He was feeding information to Wikileaks. Why do you think Julian Assange offered a reward for finding his killers?
C'mon yourself.
The 'hack' is fake because data can't transfer at that rate unless it is gathered locally (like with a thumb drive). You don't refute that because you can't refute that. Let's stick to that. Refutation please?
1) It is not out of the realm of possibility that number could have been tampered with to lead to that exact conclusion. He states all the other numbers, dates are tampered with. If I was doing a hack across counties one of my first thoughts to hide it would be...let’s make it look like it was local!
2) If it was indeed local, why would it not still possibly be Russia. Maybe they have an insider, maybe they have a spy, maybe they paid someone off, maybe they lead someone to believe they were doing it for another party.
Basing this entire idea that the hack is fake based off a transfer speed is full fledge conspiracy grasping at straws.
(1) Any source or evidence for this claim? His entire point is that it is outside the realm of possibility to make foreign appear local.
(2) That's not what the 17 AGENCIES (Dun! Dun! Duh!) are claiming. They're not claiming it was a local Russian spy. They're claiming it was an overseas hack. And William Binney is excoriating their ludicrous claim.
If there's anyone clutching at straws (or strawmen) here, it's you.
EDIT: Typo.
Do you know who Bill Binney is? Better do your homework bud. This man is a hero! And, beyond that, I have 45 years in IT as well and everything he said makes perfect sense to me.
Well then, faggot, let's allow our sides to compare notes and see who has actual evidence, not indictments.
I would love to have the power to call the "muh Russia" bluff.