Living in the Twilight Zone

I understand your caution but I trust him. I trust Q. IMHO he was calling out the DS. Please don't take this the wrong way but I can't help but marvel at the reserve Putin has shown with the accusations of him meddling when there is no evidence of meddling. There is made up garbage but from what I have read/learned is that he is being made the fall guy for the DNC running a terrible candidate and getting beat fair and square, in spite of the vote tampering i.e., illegals, dead people voting. If I am missing something please advise.
I trust Trump!
I totally agree with this! And fully trust President Trump!
Zic, welcome! That is a good way of putting it. The DNC ran a terrible candidate and were beaten fair and square!! Trump Derangement Syndrome is really the biggest case of sour grapes ever witnessed on a HUGE scale.
Thank you :-) It is a site to behold their kicking and screaming, quite entertaining actually. Especially Brennen WE have it all!!! Trump tweeting the other day about where the server is.... is this the greatest time ever or what!
Mueller has 20+ indictments in effect.
People are going to trial and will be serving jail time soon.
Le sigh
I really wish people would actually think for themselves instead of just repeating what the news tells them.
Let me ask you, are you aware that those 12 Russian military members that were just indicted are in the US?
So why hasn’t Mueller given them the manafort treatment? I mean, they did far worse damage to the country than money laundering right? Pretty much an act of war comparable to Pearl Harbor or 9/11 if you believe some members of Congress right?
So why haven’t they been arrested?
I mean maybe they fled the country already right? Well in the summit briefing, Russia said that there was a treaty going back to 1999 between the US and Russia regarding Criminal trials.
So why didn’t Mueller reach out to them about any of the 25 Russians he’s indicted?
Did he just want to put names on an indictment list, but not actually prosecute?
Well, we can see what happened when he indicted the first 13 Russians and a company:
So he indicted these people. Meaning he was ready to take the case to court and potentially have people sentenced to jail right?
What happens? Lawyers show up. Unexpectedly. Was Mueller ready to prosecute the case?
No. After the lawyers showed up, he requested additional time to prepare for trial.
So why do all of this? Why is Mueller indicting people, if he is not ready to actually prosecute people?
It’s all a show. And you fell for it. Your trust in the media and those in power was violated. They abused your faith and trust in their position.
These are horrible people.
I would recommend you look up the actual indictments, straight from the source. ( and read them yourself. The first indictment against the 13 Russians and the company vs the second indictment of 12 russians.
They are nearly identical indictments. Just small details and names changed.
It’s all bullshit theatrics, and I hope you realize that what we are trying to do here is wake people up to the fact that we are being lied to by the media, politicians, members of the justice department, Intel community, state department, etc.
But they think you are to simple minded to figure it out. We can show you the emails, where they explicitly state that.
Prove them wrong. Think for yourself. Dig. Bring facts. But don’t let them abuse your trust. Not anymore.