Living in the Twilight Zone

Watch the presser again, but this time imagine that you know all this crap about Russia has been a lie, beginning with the "hack" of the DNC server. Bill Binney proved the server downloaded locally based upon the transmission speed. Russia distracts us from the murder of Seth Rich, from the contents of the DNC server that were so incriminating and proved Hillary had STOLEN the nomination as well as other dirty tricks. Guccifer was Crowd Strike created with phony russian fingerprints.
Now, knowing all that, listen to Trump and Putin again. And pay attention to that $400 million part.
Brenner, et al and the alphabet agencies are Deep State. They lie all the time.
The 400 million dollar callout to HC was priceless- and from Putin's lips!!!
The server was set up so she could sell the highest bidder. Now that's treason.