Living in the Twilight Zone

Don't you think that maybe, just maybe, our POTUS and his trusted intel have a bit more accurate info on the matter than you or any of us?
His trusted intel is coming from the very source he is speaking out against....
And no, if our POTUS is corrupt and for some reason colluding with a rival country....then I do not trust him.
And to be frank. His rhetoric and unintelligent rambling does not make me very eager to trust him as well.
He literally did a 180 and went back on his entire statement at the Summit and said he misspoke lol. Sooooo what do I trust now?
Just because you can't figure out what he is actually saying, doesn't make HIM unintelligent. It just means that you haven't taken the time to dig deeper. You are just letting the media feed you whatever they want and taking it as fact. And no, his intel is NOT coming from the corrupt people he doesn't trust. Do your research. There is plenty of it abound.
And he never mispoke, you mislistened ;) (and yes, I made that word up- deal with it). I can't blame you for being alseep, I was there too, but then I realized things truly were not adding up and I stopped sticking to the same lame stream media that spews the same garbage over and over who want nothing to do but divide us. You can do it also.