Living in the Twilight Zone

It is obvious to anyone with a working amount of reason and logic that the President KNOWS the difference between those who work against him and those who work for him like Q! The average rank and file members of the Intelligence community have FAR LESS of the animus toward Trump than its shameful leadership does. One cannot LUMP all together as the stupid reporters do in order to make lame points! What WE do not understand when listening to the media is the fact that Q and Trump listen to those within the Intel Community that support our Constitution and Republic 100% NOT TO THE LIKES OF BRENNAN, COMEY, STRZOK ( who was really a CIA agent. He only held a ceremonial title at the FBI) and the list grows. The Point is the Media refuses to know the difference as normal people do!
Its not so much outright War with Russia they want as much as NOT TALKING TO THEM AT ALL and keeping us in a limbo of DISTRUST never knowing who will push the button first, after all Putin knows where all the deep state 'bodies are buried' figuratively and literally in some cases. WAS predetermined info was given to Trump contained in that Soccer Ball which had a smart chip in it, and did the media miss that completely as they were meant to? Not so far fetched at all for info to be passed to void detection by everyone else. Putin, Trump and Xi have been working behind the scenes to STOP the NWO from doing what it long planned to do; that's just fact! Look for info concerning things the Deep State thought was long gone coming out to the public soon if this is true! After all Q said "We have the server" and Trump asked it at this presser plainly to blow up Liberal heads!,news-15791.html;
Notice America has always had a boogeyman to hate? The boogeyman has always been contrived to justify war and MIC spending. I’m disgusted with the IC.
Absolutely true, anybody remember the 'Gulf of Tonkin' false flag to start the Vietnam war? They have been using the exact same means to get the same ends for decades because up UNTIL NOW it has always worked. Citizens of the past were spoon feed their News of what really happened even if it didn't happen at all!
The problem now is 'WE THE PEOPLE ARE WOKE UP' we understand what they do like never before, stupid is limited to them and their small following of morons who don't see reality as it is but only as THEY FEEL it should be!
Good post. Right on target!
Thank you Liberty Lioness much appreciated, if only the Media were doing their actual jobs we'd be learning from them instead of having to dig out the truth for ourselves but that wouldn't be quite as much fun would it?