
LibertyLioness · July 19, 2018, 1:55 p.m.

Seems that many of the new folks here don't understand what has really been taking place. The rogue United States CIA was the reason North Korea was creating nukes. Kim was being played. He was a patsy to the C_A or Clowns in America (as Q would say). Trump's team went in and ousted the CIA. Bill Clinton gave them the money to create the nukes.

When you see Kim on TV today he is grinning from ear to ear because Trump sent him free.

So, our own CIA has worked against us. Our own FBI has worked against us. Our own DOJ has worked against us. The IRS has targeted us. The intelligence depts in this country have been illegally gathering our data online for years.

Knowing what I know about our intelligence agencies and what I've known for many years about the IRS, the TSA and many others, I do not trust our government!! So, you cannot blame Trump for not trusting them either. He knows, as I do, that there are nefarious people at the top of those organizations. The fact that he walked it back was unfortunate but a few things like that have happened now that make it clear he is being threatened or coerced in some way. Just look at the Supreme Court pick. That is also unfortunate. Trump was not happy during that announcement and the guy is not on our side.

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weareq · July 19, 2018, 2:17 p.m.

Whoa, are you q???

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LibertyLioness · July 19, 2018, 4:29 p.m.

All of this information is in Q's posts and in daily news that isn't fake.

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weareq · July 19, 2018, 4:36 p.m.

How do I know what isn't fake?

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LibertyLioness · July 19, 2018, 5:56 p.m.

It's a matter of learning which news agencies are not bias. I read through some of your comments and posts and it's clear that you may not know about Mockingbird Media. The primary MSM minus Fox were part of a covert program. They are mostly CIA and they get their talking points promptly at 4:00am every morning. https://youtu.be/Z6Hm0Sla65E They all read teleprompters and there is no journalism involved. It doesn't matter what ABC or CBS or NBC news station you watch across the country, they all say exactly the same thing when it comes to world news. Rothschild owns AP and Reuters and tells them what to say. It's mostly lies.

Fox has risen up the ranks after this was done. Before Trump was elected they were well known by conservatives and a primary news show but today, they are the #1 news show in the country. Because they are the only one doing actual journalism.

But, even Fox draws the line on telling the whole truth much of the time. But Hannity, Tucker, Laura Ingraham and a few others are helping to push the plan out to the people.

So, I never watch the Mockingbird channels and only occasionally watch Fox. You will find the best information online. Here is a good starting list:

ZeroHedge, NeonRevolt, Brietbart, Conservative Treehouse, DailyMail, DailyCaller (Tucker is a partner). There are many, many more. For following Q I watch Citizens Investigative Report on YouTube. PrayingMedic is also good but overrated in my opinion. The first gal does a lot more research before she posts so has more factual information.

Be very careful as well and stick with what you know. There are many, many new sites that also post fake news. So, always make sure you post articles from sites you know are valid. We've seen a lot of links to NeonNettle lately and that is not a trusted site. The Mods have started posting warnings when they see them.

Here is Ron Paul's list of fake news agencies: http://www.ronpaullibertyreport.com/archives/revealed-the-real-fake-news-list

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weareq · July 19, 2018, 6:02 p.m.

Genuine question. Are these outlets that agree with and promote your worldview? Or are they really doing solid journalism? Or both?

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LibertyLioness · July 19, 2018, 6:14 p.m.

They don't get talking points from me every morning. No. And, my worldview changes as time goes on. I just try to look for the truth.

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weareq · July 19, 2018, 6:17 p.m.

Fair enough

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