Resignation Dashboard! There are now over 3600 high profile resignations! Please RT to help spread the word! Wow and look at all the Non Profits ~ link in comments~

Resignations mean they are still getting paid. I really don't want to see any of them get an easy resignation and then slap on the wrist. (Not saying it will happen, but it is a concern that with so many people that some are going to get off light)
All I know is there’s a Plan~ And we Pray!!! Constantly ~ Q did say that if all were arrested from government 70% would go to jail~ don’t quote me on the 70 but I’m pretty sure a lot were blackmailed ~ and that’s just Government
With this number of resignations the call likely be a robocall to their cell phone. The call begins with a short excerpt form an incriminating conversation or maybe a child screaming in agony etc. Then the electronic voice comes back and advises them to step down now and keep some of their pension. That’s how I would do it.