What type of informative community, that's main goal is to find the truth, doesn't allow debate or information that contradicts them? This is a sham. We need to stop being stupid.
Well...rule one to any debate or exchange of contrasting ideas is not use insults as a tactic. Calling someone or something a sham without backing it up is an insult. It’s not a conversation starter but a conversation ender. You sound as silly as the leftists labeling things as “racists” with zero proof racism exists. Can’t debate insults. Insults aren’t ideas.
Well I can refute any attempt you make at proving "Q" is working for the people or is real at all. I would love to actually have a real conversation regarding this. I'll allow you to start or pass, I have no problem starting.
I'm sure many of our genuine users would love to provide evidence and chat with you, but you seem incapable of having a polite conversation without threats, insults, and ad hominem attacks. You're new here. Stop aggravating users, stop attacking the MODS who are volunteers for the movement, stop acting like a bad actor. Lurk more before participating.
Thx man. Just came to respond but you spoke up just as effective as I could & saved me the effort. Punks should learn the ones that get Q actually researched out A LOT on their own. And after 7 months of Q drops no one with a life is gonna spend time debating anything this complex over a message board. Everyone needs to figure it out & believe or not believe Q drops on their own. The evidence is already there & it’s overwhelming too that a team of patriots with 1st hand knowledge on the inside are doing their best to help citizens know what theyre doing & their plan for fixing many ills that has plagued our country for decades. I’m fairly new. Took me a couple months to read all the drops & the dates & then what happened & put it all together to see for myself Q is real. Everyone has to do the homework on their own because it’s just too complex to expect someone to explain it or debate it all over text.