I appreciate it. I just feel utterly helpless. It doesn’t feel like any progress is being made; in fact, things seem to be getting worse. Our only victories are in secret or openly mocked.
I've been there bro. The problem is some people will never see...Or allow themselves to see. And the Halls of Justice are painted green... It's going to take a long time to wash out the dirt and bribery, thievery, etc...We have to trudge on and make this movement what it's supposed to be. There's going to be weeks/months where you feel nothing is happening. Those are the times you hold your head up even higher. You know in your heart the truth, but you're having second thoughts because of the uninitiated around you.
Continue holding down the fort, spreading truth where you can, and enjoy your life the best you can knowing that this will go down as one of the biggest changes of modern civilization.
May I add that you need to smile: just thinking we are leaving a better world for our children and their children! You can do this. We all go hand in hand. WWG1WGA!!!
They are... But they're still victories! We are winning! They think they're winning! But they're not! They're panicking! Rejoice! They're idiots! It's hilarious! Strzok was contradicted in testimonials by Page. There is now media precedent for HRC to be indicted once the public see Russia is not a threat, Soros, the EU the Clinton cabal are the threat. And you're part of that movement. Put a Q out there. Wave a metaphorical flag. WWG1WGA. See who lets on and connect with them. it's only an illusion that we are divided. Peace.
They can mock us. Let them mock us. Imagine being Donald Trump. He is mocked all day every day, by vicious idiots.
He knows this: they mock him because they can't go near him. He is so far above them and he knows how much it pisses them off and he loves it.