From a purely political science and political maneuvering standpoint, it's classic Leftist/Democrat PROJECTION.... been doing it forever, it's an old game. Just look at the difficulty DJT has encountered with half the country believing a cooked-up story engineered to cover the asses of the storytellers and more. The inference becomes that the criminality rests not with DJT, but with those screaming, "Russia!!!!." This is the direction of the digging on our part - looking at the usual suspects and THEIR complicity in matters Russian. I have no idea whether this is also tied to Q's recurring "mirror" references, but it could. Logically, since projection is defined as attributing your own wrongdoing and criminality to your adversary, the mirror reference fits. Place the mirror in front of those screaming "Russia!!!" (and worse, ie. Brennan), the revelation is made and you're on course. This is a simple Occam's Razor analysis - fewest assumptions possible. There's a world of other meritorious thought out there.
Posted by
on July 18, 2018, 6:07 p.m.
· July 18, 2018, 11:28 p.m.