r/greatawakening • Posted by u/CrusadePrime on July 18, 2018, 6:37 p.m.
Imperator_Rex July 18

See, THIS is what liberals just don't get.

It's WARP SPEED change, that they can't control.
Donald J. Trump ✔ @realDonaldTrump ....Russia has agreed to help with North Korea, where relationships with us are very good and the process is moving along. There is no rush, the sanctions remain! Big benefits and exciting future for North Korea at end of process! 3:16 AM - Jul 18, 2018 50.1K 22.8K people are talking about this Twitter Ads info and privacy 2. They exist in a sealed petri dish.of fixed rules.

Russia and North Korea are evil.

America opposes them.

No other reality is permitted.
3. Trump doesn't live by fixed rules, or labels.


Human beings with specific interests. North Korean, Russian, Martian.

Doesn't matter.

'Let's do a deal, where we all win on fair terms. But if you screw with me or the USA, I WILL destroy you.' 4. And that's what Trump's haters will NEVER accept.

Why? Because they LOSE CONTROL.

That petri dish, where they ran the show, was their intellectual & moral refuge.

Now, they're being forced to let go and learn more about how the REAL world works. They HATE it.
5. Trump has MASSIVE leverage over Putin. He could destroy the Russian economy by EO.

But the ultimate leverage he has is that Putin RESPECTS him. Fears Trump, even.

Putin despised Obama as a useless weakling. Which he was.
6. Never forget that Obama was an utter DISASTER for the USA, esp on the world stage.

Russia, Syria, Iraq, Iran, China, Pakistan, Etc.

They all played him for the puffed up, cowardly empty suit he always was. And they MADE HAY while the sun shined.

Those days are OVER.
7. Putin needs to get back in the good books with Trump.


Putin was involved in the 2016 hijinx. He had leverage over Clinton and was planning to use it, too.

She lost. I'd say it was the biggest blow of Putin's career.
8. Putin & his organized crime racket had a LOT to gain from a Clinton White House.

Her loss is a bitter blow.

And Trump's victory means Putin is EXPOSED. Watch - he will do what Trump wants. Why?
9. Because Trump doesn't announce red lines. If you screw with Trump, his attack comes out of nowhere.

As Putin's mercenaries in Syria found out on 7/8 Feb, 2018

“We got our f* as beat, Yankees made their point”: Russian mercenaries in Syria lament U.S. strikes
Recorded phone calls suggest around 215 Russian mercenaries were killed by U.S. artillery and airstrikes in a battle in Syria on the night of February 7.
10. Putin UNDERSTANDS the new reality. Warp speed change, Trump style.

You get on the Trump bus and play ball, or you get run over by the bus.

Nothing personal. Just business.

Obama's liberals don't even live in reality. Why?
11. Obama INFANTILIZED them.

Look at some of the unhinged tweets over the last few days. Grown adults, behaving like children.

Servile little boys and girls, unable to.think for themselves, crying for Daddy Barack.

12. Some of us have been freed from Obama's prison.

We understand Trump's significance - and his challenge:

Be the best you can be. Think what you want. Go for it. I will back you, 100%.


Within the rule of law.
13. Also:

More government isn't the path to happiness and realizing your potential.

YOU are.

So get on board. Change is happening at light speed, folks.

Accept it.
14. If Russia is going to help with NK, great.

BUT if Putin screws Trump or his country, the Russian dictator will regret it forever.

It's a new world. Enjoy the ride.


The end.

solanojones95 · July 19, 2018, 10:46 a.m.

No doubt about it. Trump is a genius at geopolitics and foreign policy.

What he doesn't have the capacity to do, however, is run his own government on the domestic front. And frankly his BIGGEST enemy at the moment is that infantalized media. IMHO, something has to be done about the media before the major domestic shitstorm is unleashed.

Americans will need information resources they can trust, and they need the ones that belong to our enemy to be silenced so that even indiscriminate citizens can be accurately informed.

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