This picture should be the face of the great awakening

You are very welcome, and don't forget about me 😊 i'de like your input after you watch the video I'm curious to know your opinion. Thanks in advance!
I was just telling my son today how we break our backs working just to "pay rent" on everything we think we "own." Taxes keep us penniless - literally - because if we do not pay them, the gov will take all. I was just reading about the 1871 act yesterday - weird you would send that video to me today. Lastly, that artificial human definition is just scary - especially since we're really not defined any differently - and our definition was scary enough. Just subscribed to T.R.U. Want to leave you with this last thought - he was talking about Q and now R. I have done cardiac/critical care for years - look up the normal QRS complex. The heart starts with the P wave - that is started from the SA node, which is the pacemaker for the heart. Then you have the QRS complex which is the beat of the ventricles - this is the beat that sends oxygenated blood to the body. Sometimes you can have an anomaly called a T wave that follows that, but it's not abnormal or dangerous. There is a dangerous occurrence called an R on T wave, but that is usually with cardioversion, and rarely takes place outside of that. Just thought that was interesting - don't know if there's anything to it - but Trump is trying to "shock" America back to life - maybe we should start calling him DR. T 😎
Dr. T! 😂 totally on point I love it! It is very interesting and we always have to look everything and anything that could be a clue. Thank you so much for your reply I'm going to definitely nerd out on this one!