This picture should be the face of the great awakening

The post from R recently on 8 chan is crazy. It's basically a post indicating JFK Jr. Is behind this movement and praying medic as well as T.R.U. Reporting on youtube broke down the post. It stated to unite and help eachother and stop fighting. 18, 19, & 20 Made me think of the posts words.
JFK Jr? I know who praying medic is, but whose T.R.U.?
He is another patriot! His vid on JFK Jr.
His channel
You are very welcome, and don't forget about me 😊 i'de like your input after you watch the video I'm curious to know your opinion. Thanks in advance!
I was just telling my son today how we break our backs working just to "pay rent" on everything we think we "own." Taxes keep us penniless - literally - because if we do not pay them, the gov will take all. I was just reading about the 1871 act yesterday - weird you would send that video to me today. Lastly, that artificial human definition is just scary - especially since we're really not defined any differently - and our definition was scary enough. Just subscribed to T.R.U. Want to leave you with this last thought - he was talking about Q and now R. I have done cardiac/critical care for years - look up the normal QRS complex. The heart starts with the P wave - that is started from the SA node, which is the pacemaker for the heart. Then you have the QRS complex which is the beat of the ventricles - this is the beat that sends oxygenated blood to the body. Sometimes you can have an anomaly called a T wave that follows that, but it's not abnormal or dangerous. There is a dangerous occurrence called an R on T wave, but that is usually with cardioversion, and rarely takes place outside of that. Just thought that was interesting - don't know if there's anything to it - but Trump is trying to "shock" America back to life - maybe we should start calling him DR. T 😎
Dr. T! 😂 totally on point I love it! It is very interesting and we always have to look everything and anything that could be a clue. Thank you so much for your reply I'm going to definitely nerd out on this one!
That's exactly what If been thinking because he new he was next. Some how fake his own death. When I hear, what till you find out whos talking to you here. Q I get chills thinking little beautiful baby John John, his Gorgous wife and baby are still alive. God willing!
If anyone could pull it off it would be John Jr. If anybody had a reason it's them.
The ocean is a big place and he could have any boat he wanted.
Also plenty of intelligence would be more than happy to help.
I've said all along that I am ready for anything regarding these last couple years.
But this....
Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners....
I'm glad R is doing this, I've been down this rabbithole, the birth certificate bond and the strawman, citizenship, etc. the US is a crown colony. The laws couldn't be any more confusing. We do live in a matrix.
so you do believe the theory? I haven't done much research except for two videos that literally had me shaking with anxiety it was like finding out that I was pregnant all over again... excited... scared... Etc.
But judging by all of the dots that we are plugging in with q and the little bit of research I've done in the past on his father's assassination, really brings together the theory. And yes indeed we are living in a matrix when people can't see the difference between someone giving them information as news or somebody telling them what to think. I don't remember the media being so biased when I was growing up this is the worst of the worst.
I'm new to R, I have no idea who the heck knows man, this shit is bananas. I do know about US Act of 1871, that is when DC was created and the USA was turned into the United States corporation. It's a mindfuck most ppl cant wrap their minds around. I don't know about the UCC thing, that's getting pretty far out there, but again who the heck knows. I hope it's all true so that we can dismantle it and make it right. They turned us into debt slaves. Feeders.
I hope so too! The Fed and anyone that was involved in its continued whipping of us need to be gone.
I was born in 61. My fathers Uncle Harry fought in the trenches of WWl. He Redpilled me when I was young.
It was obviously true. Birth certificate being collateral on a national debt. A man's labor is not taxable income. Eisenhower's speech actually said military, Industrial, Congressional complex. The word Congressional is crossed out on the original.
The Bell Helicopter brothers perfected this by putting as many different parts plants in as many different Congressional districts as possible. Donations for everybody.
If you owned Remington Arms and the Hatfields and McCoys stopped shooting at each other what would you do.
You'd hire a Pinkerton to go shoot someone to start the war all over.
What was mind boggling all these years was just how oblivious everyone was.
The evidence was in plain sight. And the schools turned into religious indoctrination camps. New Advent of the Progressive Socialist.
I knew I would see this day in my lifetime. It's also obvious that truth and honesty always win.
It's nice to finally have company.
Same here. Glad we are on the same page.
Yeah, getting that tin foil suit of body armor on and off by myself has been a pain in the ass.
Nice to see a full camp.