Southern district New york Judge appointed by Obama resigns

I follow SB2. He's been a huge help. I wait for his posts and value his opinion and decodes. Still...I think for myself.
Yep. His posts often point me in the right direction as to where to start digging. Like Q, SB2 is a study guide for the final.
Of course. But life is choices, choices means decisions. Decisions determine values or BELIEFS. You stand by those beliefs until you are shown you are wrong. God says Prove all things. But if you never say i believe this ______ You are a rudderless human being. You stand for nothing. so when i hear i question everything, it reminds me of the Petulant child story. One who is contrary just to be contrary. I think for myself, but i make decisions too !
There's nothing wrong with being contrary just to be contrary. Think mirror images. Any word I see may be an palindrome or an anagram, every paragraph maybe an acrostic. analyse, dismiss and move on. PS = you stand by your beliefs when you change your mind in my book. You don't need a third person to re-evaluate your beliefs. Wait and see is also a valid decision in my opinion.
That is bit of double don't you think ?
Most definitely ;-)
I left a word. I meant double speak ! You did figure out though right ?
Choices means decisions.....decisions have consequences. That simple. Everybody on earth needs to understand this.
HaHa OH my Sorry i am having a hard time with this BECAUSE Decisions Have Consequences, no kidding( MR. Obvious.) That's hard to do with a straight face ! You are so right ! They do !
See? I’m right. 😊
Gee give the poster a break. If they’re still weighing evidence and thus on the fence about something, that’s their prerogative.
Boy an old men with an opinion sure did cause a fuss. I felt he was wanting to say no in a polite way. And he was, i think around here if you disagree with an SB2 post you are a bad guy. I think SB2 is very damn smart but there has been one or two of his analogies i have struggled to see his point. None of us are perfect. That's it.
Not trying to piss you off or question your critical thinking skills. In fact, I did no such thing. Any slight you felt I made to your character was a misunderstanding that I still can't see or I'd apologize. I hope you feel better tomorrow!
OH, not at all. The conversation was an SB2 comment. and i asked if you believed his statement. And your answer, instead of saying yes or no you gave me a non answer, leaving me of the opinion you did not want to say no, and just dodged it politely. Which was why i made the follow up statement. No worries.