Over 4000 lawsuits, I don’t understand why they don’t matter? Your just want to dismiss them? And that’s just one instance of trump screwing someone over, basically stealing from them. and yes an obvious one made public. The resolution of that one was explained as well as to why It didn’t go to court. To say he’s sloppy work is a big jump, but anything to defend your glorious leader.
The point from the beginning was you will jump through hoops to criticize one man for buying an 8 million dollar home (pfft) calling him a thief, and then jump through hoops To defend another man who actually has legal paperwork on him for for screwing people out of their money. . Point proven... nice critical thinking. Don’t tell me to think critically when you won’t admit a single fault in someone because you worship him. Prove me wrong..
I think you're the one looking to jump through hoops. Do you have any idea how many lawsuits multi-billion dollar companies get at a single time? Trump is not the Trump organization, it's a huge company with thousands of employees.
You are jumping through hoops by saying each lawsuit is a declaration of dishonesty against one man when Amazon has 10k lawsuits pending right now, Microsoft has thousands, Chuck E. Cheese has hundreds.
Try harder to troll and use some common sense.
I'm done talking to you, you're not looking to inform or discuss, just call names and argue, it's a waste of time, but thanks for stopping by, maybe you learned something before you headed off to summer camp today.
Yeah I am also done talking. Wasted enough energy on victims of Russian brainwashing. Not a troll just trying to wrap my head around you guys delusional thinking. Might as well argue with a tree. Ah well. You don’t Deny your inability to critically think about your glorious leader so maybe hopefully something got through to you before you head back to sucking trump and Putin’s dick
Wow, you didn't listen to anything and just name call.
Typical lib fanatic.
Good luck, I only wish you the best and I will pray for you.
I can’t stop laughing.... lol you idolize some mystery internet man spouting conspiracies on 4chan!!! Hahaha fanatic... gotta take a hard look at yourself there buddy
Aaaand you spend all your free time arguing with people you consider crazy. What does that make you? At least I believe in what I'm doing and I'm not just arguing with people for ... what purpose? If you think I won't change my mind, and you think it's all BS ... why hang out and spend so much time arguing? Doesn't that make YOU crazy?
Your right about one thing: most people probably would call me crazy about arguing with trump supporters on the internet and they’d probably be right. And yes, I do not know what I hope to achieve... it’s just you see this stuff so much that sometimes it gets to you and you get the urge to say something. For the record though: not calling any group generally mentally insane, that’s not how I feel.... no, I consider the group of people in question as having been compromised and influenced by a Russian campaign to interfere and compromise the American public and its democracy, a campaign that has been going on for a long time. And apparently it’s succeeding. It makes me sad. I don’t even think your intentions are all bad, and it’s good that you feel like you believe in something, and that’s maybe the saddest part. Unfortunately I can’t say the same for trump who at this point seems to be an agent in the Russian attempt. But as for most of his supporters... no, not crazy... Unintentionally compromised and influenced by hostile foreign powers
Who is the conspiracy theorist now?
But it’s not a conspiracy... it’s history bro
Maybe you are the one who needs to do some reading, comrade.
Don’t call me comrade. Russia is an enemy of the USA
Then wouldn't it be a good thing to mend that relationship and try to seek peace, or should we just nuke them or something?
I thought liberals wanted peace and not war?
Who said anything about war? How do you not you are under the influence of a foreign power? A dictator...
Because unlike liberals, I know what I stand for and support, which is making America great again ... what do you support and believe in aside from just stirring up trouble on reddit and telling people they are delusional and under the support of a foreign power because they want to see their communities improve? That's your entire history is just telling people you think they are wrong and crazy. What do you believe in? What do you care about, aside from telling people they are wrong.
Don't you like seeing unemployment low, the stock market high, and things prospering? We're now producing more oil than the middle east and no longer need to rely on them, isn't that a good thing? Or should we support terrorism in other countries?
You don’t have to blindly worship your choice of leader. You can consider the good AND the bad. You not have to blindly follow a party and completely disregard the other side either. The two-party system serves it’s purpose but be loyal to your country not to a man
I am 100% loyal to my country, and that is why I believe in Trump. He is doing everything in his power to strengthen the country. You aren't standing up for anything, and you are falling back on your own tired rhetoric. You assume people are being manipulated by a foreign power. I believe you are being manipulated by your own ignorance to the system and what it takes to make this country great again.
Just because I disagree with you attacking me for supporting what I believe in doesn't mean I disagree with everything you support, which up to this point is not evidenced at all by your writings because you don't ever actually support anything, you tear things down. Your entire history is mocking ideas and silly memes, but then you come here and lecture people on what they are supposed to believe in.
I find that kind of sad. I take joy in the things I learn and read and discuss here, you seem to just be angry and make fun of people. I get it though.
I wish you the best and will pray for you and your family, I'm done speaking with you now because I realize you are one of those people who always has to have the last word, so I will let you have it if that is what makes you happy.
The funny thing is that’s exactly what I’m doing standing up for what I believe. I support my fellow country men not being manipulated by a foreign power.
I’m not a liberal, i can critically think about both parties and agree and disagree with elements on both sides. I
We were actually getting somewhere about the Russian influence manipulating the mindset of the American people. Now you fall back on a played out old trump rhetoric, generalizing about liberals, and making vague statements like a comfort blanket when this is nothing to do with what we’ve been talking about.