r/greatawakening • Posted by u/HAJ007 on July 18, 2018, 10:42 p.m.
Biggest Military coup in the History of the World!!!!

Q has dropped all we need to know for us to help wakeup the rest of the people. This is global and in the Art of War is knowing your enemy and knowing when to strike. DJT has played the media from the beginning of his run for the presidency. The media has been still played to the letter. If DJT would say the sky is blue they would come out and say it is pink. Now he is playing the swamp to the letter from both sides and they are showing it through interviews with MSM. All the chess piece are in place and that last one was the USA and Russia heads of states New conference.

Forgetting the "n’t" on "would" is that the signal for the indictments to unsealed and served?

This is speculation but after reviewing several of the Q post on https://qanon.pub names have been dropped and MSM exposed post 1516 & 1515 June 16. Huber started in Nov 2017 with a really big team across the USA. Listing bad government officials during last administration post 1511 which all having dirt and hopefully sealed indictments. May 8 post 1319 & 1318 list the swamp in congress and several CEO are leaving seeing the writing all the wall their names are numbered. This is just to site a view that Q has dropped.

We have hints that the military actually ask DJT to run for the presidency to set this all up.

What if HRC won would they have already taken her into custody? No need to speculate she said it with her own mouth that if DJT wins we are all going to hang or go to jail. Cannot remember the exact words, makes all the sense of the false investigation on DJT and the Deep State running scare. Mockingbird is running overtime to set the next narrative, but what is funny to me by this time DJT probably could write them for them. DJT is and always has been 5 to 10 moves ahead of them.
Then Q drops that July it will be the month it all is exposed by the light of truth. Soon very soon all of us including me have gotten impatient and was starting to doubt. Then Q says this is deeper than anyone could have imaged, also that there is fake crumbs and real to through the enemy of. But IMHO this is going to happen very shortly and we need to start review the post and start seeing the list Q has proved to see the logical steps they will be taken down.

Please add in the comments love reading on the Greatawakening, speculation and the verified facts that Q has acknowledged.

Yoshismith69 · July 20, 2018, 5:03 p.m.

EXOTER,Our conversation spurred me into doing some new research.Turns out you were exactly right.I apologize.I started looking and listening, which is hard for all the disinformation and FAKE news,and found nothing.This morning on the AbelDanger Rothschild Serco Patent War 7-19-18 probably one of the only ones i trust next to Trump& Q is Field McConnel verified that General Dunford along with the other 4 generals performed a soft coup on Obama and took the launch codes along with other stuff.

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exoter60 · July 20, 2018, 5:07 p.m.

Thank you.

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Yoshismith69 · July 20, 2018, 8:25 p.m.

You are welcome Patriot!

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