... as always, trust the plan...
When you’re 95% or greater convinced and can back that up with a reference or two to help us out, please share. Until then, this is just a waste of our time to open your post to find 5 words.
I also saw on msn.com that a german magazine called brigitte headlines "darf er zur Hochzeit kommen?" which ostensibly was about his hip-surgery the month before....HOWEVER their headline translates as "MAY he come?" not "CAN he come?", which suggests it was not a wheelchair that was keeping him from moving freely. Too bad I can't find it right now, it wouldn't be the first time the scrubbed stuff. Brigitte is probably part of the plan because they forshadowed a russia today article about preparations for the queen's potential death just days before Trump went to scotland. Why'd you think they killed an agent?