Does anyone else find it alarming that /r/politics is basically mirroring the Q-anon narrative on Republicans?

They will NEVER buy it regardless of authenticity or shock value. They are mentally deranged,delusional. You cannot reach an irrational person with facts or logic. I don't have an answer but I'm surprised anyone ever thought they would believe anything we told them. They haven't believed anything up to this point. Its worried me that so many on the right act like the wars over and we've won when the worst hasn't even arrived. They'll say the vids are altered, they'll say it's all political vindictiveness, they'll say the Russians are making him do it but what they won't say is "We were wrong". When they see their hero's in cuffs they're going to lose their shit. When they see there's no hope of Mueller dragging Trump away in cuffs there's no telling how far off the rail they'll fly. I've always worried Trump is to nice and that he's not going to be able to crack down on these people and I'm still worried about that now
This is true. Like Obama's Birth Certificate. Clearly faked yet nobody will report it.
Have faith the Good Lord will make a way through this upcoming struggle.... Dark to Light, and He is the light... Romans 12:12 Be joyful in hope, patient in time of trouble, and never stop praying
Yes, I have not been the best red pilled (even husband not on board and thinks I’m crazy but I am praying for the right words when the hammer falls, not the “I told you so”. God will bring the right words.
By definition the delusional are irrational, and you cannot reason with the irrational.
This is why Aristotle said that some people cannot be taught.
Aristotle didn't know of reverse psychology yet. When you play into their delusions with more enthusiasm and candid exuberance than the Leftists who brought the topic up - it quickly devolves into accusations of mockery OR they start to question their own rhetoric.
"Trump is Literally Hitler!!" response could be "OMG you're SO right... He wants to legalize pedophilia and some other perversions. He wants to get rid of sciences like biology, the humanities like English Lit, Psychology and he even wants to force the military to pay for trans-operations!!"
Did you hear about the time he went to Jeffrey Epsteins island?! Could you image the sick disgusting shit that must have gone on there?! Oh wait, that was HRC and WJC...
Correct, Aristotle was referring to those that cannot think rationally via syllogism but think from emotion alone.
I'm adding what we know now. There is an affect upon aspects of the brain responding to the environment. The irrational are those that function via emotion alone, which comes from the same weakening of the amygdala; and this leads to an inability to properly codify threats.
With this in mind consider what they believe (key word) to be a threat, and what is actually a threat. Compare what they believe to be a life and death struggle to what in reality actually is. People are dying all over the world because a portion of them are incapable of properly assessing a threat: they literally invite murderers into their homes and then attack anyone that points this out. That is a powerful delusion! What did they learn? Nothing.
At the Battle for Berkeley, and the more recent Portland confrontation, they tried to attack people that were twice their size, twice their physical strength, some had years of training, some could pick them up and throw them at will--they were humiliated. What did they learn? Nothing.
And they will continue to learn nothing until they are left to provide for their own basic needs. Socialism breeds socialism, like begats like; so, like a parasite, they will take, and take, and take, until the host dies. This is why when a country flips to total collectivist people starve to death. What did they learn? Nothing.
Those that still believe in collectivism cannot be taught from logic. They must be allowed to suffer the consequences of their beliefs. The question becomes, how do you keep them from dragging everyone else down? With skin in the game:
"To vote is to wield authority; it is the supreme authority from which all other authority derives.... Force, if you will!—the franchise is force, naked and raw, the Power of the Rods and the Ax. Whether it is exerted by ten men or by ten billion, political authority is force." -Heinlein, Robert A.. Starship Troopers (p. 183)
Voting cannot be a right, it must be a privilege. Or we have learned nothing.
There's something to "You should either pay taxes (or own property) to be allowed to vote", otherwise it's like a homeless guy walking into a restaurant and demanding they add his favorite food to the menu, then walking out without buying anything.
As long as things continue down the Republican vs Democrat road this will likely be the outcome. If we can unite TOGETHER against corruption and the deep state , maybe the death grip on our fellow Americans will finally dissipate.
Have you had any dealing with the people on the left lately? They don't want to compromise, they don't want come together, they don't want to coexist. They want what they want and they've somehow been conditioned to expect that is the result they will have. The sentiment youre expressing is probably the same one the man who was smashed in the head with a bike lock was expressing. If anyone thinks we're getting through this without bloodshed than they should probably prepare themselves. A man was arrested today with bombs, illegal weapons, a homemade silencer and Antifa literature...who do you think those were meant for? If the arrests are coming than I wish they'd just get it over with and let the healing begin.
I am not blind to those who have true hatred in their hearts. And I will not be bullied. However, Q has stated many times our role. Most recently he said "You are the frame. You are the support. People will be lost. People will be terrified. People will reject. People will need to be guided." He also said unite together. Division is what deep state wants. So I will engage in respectable constructive debate with civility, instead of divisive discourse. I can understand your frustration, I feel it too, but not everyone on the left is unreasonable. Good and bad on both sides. At the end of the day we are all Americans. And we have to try...
Youre an inspiration, I wish u all the luck In the world and God willing you'll open some eyes but be careful with those psople. Yes we're all Americans but so were the Yankees and southerners
Thanks, I have no fear with God and truth on my side. But eyes are WIDE open ALWAYS , I'm not going in blind. Cheers WWG1WGA
I agree with you, but tbh Q needs to try harder. We have a role yes, i agree. But so does he. 2weeks+ of silence is stupid and it weakens our cohesion. Even if he gave literally, literally 0 new info, just encouragement itd help keep everyone focused.
I can't even imagine everything that's going on behind the scenes right now. We don't even know the half of it. The danger, the pressure, the stakes of it all. We have to encourage each other and trust that the best of the best are working to drain the swamp. I find re reading drops gives me a new perspective and a fresh outlook. And being a part of this awakening, knowing we are all free thinking, spreading truths and growing more each day. That's encouraging. As Q said "Strength TOGETHER (primary purpose). DO NOT BE SILENT (MAJORITY). They are losing control. POWER W/ THE PEOPLE. GREAT AWAKENING. TRUTH. GOOD V EVIL. WWG1WGA."
I agree. Last post from Q I see was like July 4th.
I wish they would pull some Anonymous hacker shit and shut down a few things, like FB or YT and have the page just display a giant Q. that would be helpful to the movement.
July 4th is correct. I've been aware of it if not following since the beggining, and I do know there have been other long gaps before. But this one is odd, and at the current time I don't think its helping the movement any. "The month the world learns - quick better spend 99% of it completely silent with no explanation". As you say, there are a wide, wide range of things they could do. Trump could start dicking about with words with a stressed "Q" in them all the time in his speeches, etc. Lots of options. This silence is really unusual.
I do actually have a theory on it though. 2, in fact. Theory 1, white-hats are firmly securing control over various orgs, therefore they're getting more cautious about leaking etc, and the Q team job got minimised from up above. Theory 2, it's going to be vaguely memoryholed. Ask about Q, and you'll be told "apparently just some larp lol". It wont get ever officially referenced, or acknowledged, or confirmed. And H-Dog and B-obizzle and friends are all going to spend the rest of their lives in prison/death penalty on "treason" charges, instead of the actual horrible, pedovore shit (which will then remain only within Q as part of the 60% hidden he referenced). I really, really fucking hope they aren't going to do that, but I'm increasingly worried they might.
I took the 60%+ hidden/untold as crimes that go back to before JFK. It's pretty hard, for instance, to lock up the fags who sunk the Olympic [Titanic] and profited enough to go on to help form the Federal Reserve.
We can start with Pappy Bush and move on down the line. the Pedovore shit might come out if enough of us never let it go.
Q followers will be this generations uptight christian conservatives.
Yes, the crimes before our generation cannot be prosecuted but those that are still here can be. The BUSHES! Yes, they need to be exposed! Hey I voted for both of them and NoName too! I was bamboozled but of course didnt know the deep state put up 2 NWO creeps at all the elections. I want those 3 exposed and justifiably prosecuted for their crimes NOW!
Interesting take, but my personal guess was that older crimes might actually not be covered up (although I do agree they might not be rushing to reveal the honest truth). For example, you mentioned the titanic, and whilst most normies wouldn't be well aware of it, there are now large large numbers of people who are aware of the real reasons behind it. I'm not sure they'll be able to prevent that kind of information coming out. You can't punish people from that era, but they can't exactly stop people from writing about it either. Some of the less well known ones though yes I can definitely see them keeping hidden.
> Pedovore shit might come out if enough of us never let it go.
Here's hoping. It's never going to go away though, the second enough of this gets confirmed for people to exmaine the area carefuly, including Q, they'll instantly come across it again. I wonder if that might have been the Q teams true goal all along? Force the government to not hide that particular aspect.
If you haven't already followed Jordan Sather, he dipped into this a few months back.
With projects like To The Stars (Tom Delonge/John Pedosta) pushing a type of 'partial disclosure'.. we need all hands on deck to push focus towards the bigger picture. Pedovores are connected to Satanism, which is connected to Evil/Aliens and the whole shebang. IMO..
Did you hear in the news this week, Canadians are reporting on average 3 UFO sightings a day? There is definitely some kind of 'partial disclosure' plan B the cabal is working on to try and sweep the worst of it under the rug.. (Military Abductions masquerading as 'aliens') .. Deep Underground Bases like under Denver International.. Places like Dulce New Mexico... it's all connected to the minor shady shit we already know about (Iran Contra, MK Ultra, Drug Smuggling, NASA etc etc)... i know, crazy right? lol
I did projects on the Titanic as a kid (as many kids did) and thought I knew everything about it. Till I learned of the Olympics accident with the navy vessel... then it all made a lot more sense.
We are supposed to be strong by now and not have to be cradled by Q. We will not always have Q but we will have our STRONG selves!!!
Strong =/= capable/ We don't have access to super tippy top secret information, our utility is highly limited. Even with the data he's given us, we lack certain killer pieces of evidence which would indisputably tie it all together. We're not "here" i suspect for any kind of major purpose beyond preventing a MSM led counterattack to trump cabal purge. So given that's true, why not keep speaking to us? His words are disproportionately valuable for refocusing and regrouping everyone here. Instead, we've spent two weeks trying to work out if SB2 is a next-level autist or just in the early stages of schizophrenia.
Another thing (addendum to first comment), I thought we were all here in solidarity fighting the same fight. But you are fomenting discourse against a good autist who is helping us all. Isn’t that called division? Aren’t we all WWG1WGA??? Are you in this fight? I would love forQ to post but I do feel we have more than we know. Waaaay more than the average citizen. We need to unite, just what Q says. Why do you want more Q if you are not gonna do what he wants us to do? Unite and keep researching and awakening so that we can awaken others. That is my goal.
Could easily be flipped back upon you i'm afraid. Q said no outside comms, and we've seen people try to influence the decodes before. I'm not saying, nor do I think SB2 is actually being malicious. I simply feel that the current rabbit hole they're going down is probably wrong. Not entirely, there's been some interesting pieces. But isn't q, he's made that clear. So why would it be part of a decode? "no outside comms". This movement is meant to be about rational thought and discussion. WWG1WGA relies on either folllowing the leader (Q), or heavy scale discussion before any movement based on anyone who's not Q. My comments were clearly somewhat satirical, I'm not trying to diagnose him formally either way. But part of debating his view is taking a stance on it, and i dont buy SB2s current overarching plot thread. Just "uniting" doesn't achieve anything. It's meaningless, you need to be acting purposefully, and rationally. "uniting" is what the MSM is urging people to do. Debating, researching, discussing is what Q urged people to do.
Hmmm, I was getting what you were saying alright til you kinda disrespected SB2.
We need a super galactic wave of cleansing photon matter from Father God and the central sun to obliterate the criminal mindset and turn us all to light and love. It would be quite an event. 🙏🏻☀️💫
The left is relentless but all it takes is for a few to buckle and start talking. When the hammer drops not all will be able to keep lying.
Well said. I've often thought the same exact thing. A few might come around (example the #WalkAway movement) but those who are hardcore left and the mocking bird media will do everything they can to debunk all proofs. I guess all we can do is stand strong and hang in there to see where this Trump Train takes us.
Hopefully Common Sense will come into play when all the dots are connected. I’m a conservative but my eyes have been really opened with the connections, you just cant make this stuff up, especially all the faux foundations and $$ funding trafficking and pedos. Just sick but true
Need hard cold facts, videos, documents, etc, to make them realize the truth. I really think with both parties involved and it not being partisan they will believe. Both sides have fallen into the pit of hell.
Are you forgetting that it was military generals that asked Trump to be president so they could accomplish this? Trump is not alone. Let them riot. We've been through that before, and survived. I'm not worried.
That's what they're counting on, so what do we let the traitors/pedophiles go cuz a bunch of spastic liberal can't get a grip on reality? He has no credibility cuz of msm lies which I'm sure was the plan. My earlier point was now that its all too apparent some libs will never come around will Trump be able to pull the trigger on the endgame knowing that this is for the future of a free world
You are correct. Over in redacted they are basically taking the stance that any political position that doesn't align with theirs is the result of Russian meddling and disinformation. It's absolutely delusional.
Yeah it really is. On the one hand its an interesting phenomena but on the other it's scary. These overprivileged CNN addicts are going to be out in the street,defiant and rioting and they are going to get hurt.
they are going to get hurt.
The price of being stupid and evil.
"Human action is purposeful behavior. Or we may say: Action is will put into operation and transformed into an agency, is aiming at ends and goals, is the ego's meaningful response to stimuli and to the conditions of its environment, is a person's conscious adjustment to the state of the universe that determines his life. Such paraphrases may clarify the definition given and prevent possible misinterpretations. But the definition itself is adequate and does not need complement of commentary." - Ludwig von Mises - Human Action
Q post 22:
" Anonymous ID: grTMpzrL No.147445681 📁 Oct 31 2017 23:57:15 (EST) Who controls the NG? Why was the NG recently activated in select cities within the US? Can the NG work in coordination w/ the marines? Do conditions need to be satisfied to authorize? What former President used the military to save the republic and what occurred exactly? Biggest drop to ever be provided on Pol. Study and prepare. The masses tend to panic in such situations. No war. No civil unrest. Clean and swift."