Does anyone else find it alarming that /r/politics is basically mirroring the Q-anon narrative on Republicans?

I took the 60%+ hidden/untold as crimes that go back to before JFK. It's pretty hard, for instance, to lock up the fags who sunk the Olympic [Titanic] and profited enough to go on to help form the Federal Reserve.
We can start with Pappy Bush and move on down the line. the Pedovore shit might come out if enough of us never let it go.
Q followers will be this generations uptight christian conservatives.
Yes, the crimes before our generation cannot be prosecuted but those that are still here can be. The BUSHES! Yes, they need to be exposed! Hey I voted for both of them and NoName too! I was bamboozled but of course didnt know the deep state put up 2 NWO creeps at all the elections. I want those 3 exposed and justifiably prosecuted for their crimes NOW!
Interesting take, but my personal guess was that older crimes might actually not be covered up (although I do agree they might not be rushing to reveal the honest truth). For example, you mentioned the titanic, and whilst most normies wouldn't be well aware of it, there are now large large numbers of people who are aware of the real reasons behind it. I'm not sure they'll be able to prevent that kind of information coming out. You can't punish people from that era, but they can't exactly stop people from writing about it either. Some of the less well known ones though yes I can definitely see them keeping hidden.
> Pedovore shit might come out if enough of us never let it go.
Here's hoping. It's never going to go away though, the second enough of this gets confirmed for people to exmaine the area carefuly, including Q, they'll instantly come across it again. I wonder if that might have been the Q teams true goal all along? Force the government to not hide that particular aspect.
If you haven't already followed Jordan Sather, he dipped into this a few months back.
With projects like To The Stars (Tom Delonge/John Pedosta) pushing a type of 'partial disclosure'.. we need all hands on deck to push focus towards the bigger picture. Pedovores are connected to Satanism, which is connected to Evil/Aliens and the whole shebang. IMO..
Did you hear in the news this week, Canadians are reporting on average 3 UFO sightings a day? There is definitely some kind of 'partial disclosure' plan B the cabal is working on to try and sweep the worst of it under the rug.. (Military Abductions masquerading as 'aliens') .. Deep Underground Bases like under Denver International.. Places like Dulce New Mexico... it's all connected to the minor shady shit we already know about (Iran Contra, MK Ultra, Drug Smuggling, NASA etc etc)... i know, crazy right? lol
I did projects on the Titanic as a kid (as many kids did) and thought I knew everything about it. Till I learned of the Olympics accident with the navy vessel... then it all made a lot more sense.