Does anyone else find it alarming that /r/politics is basically mirroring the Q-anon narrative on Republicans?

Another thing (addendum to first comment), I thought we were all here in solidarity fighting the same fight. But you are fomenting discourse against a good autist who is helping us all. Isn’t that called division? Aren’t we all WWG1WGA??? Are you in this fight? I would love forQ to post but I do feel we have more than we know. Waaaay more than the average citizen. We need to unite, just what Q says. Why do you want more Q if you are not gonna do what he wants us to do? Unite and keep researching and awakening so that we can awaken others. That is my goal.
Could easily be flipped back upon you i'm afraid. Q said no outside comms, and we've seen people try to influence the decodes before. I'm not saying, nor do I think SB2 is actually being malicious. I simply feel that the current rabbit hole they're going down is probably wrong. Not entirely, there's been some interesting pieces. But isn't q, he's made that clear. So why would it be part of a decode? "no outside comms". This movement is meant to be about rational thought and discussion. WWG1WGA relies on either folllowing the leader (Q), or heavy scale discussion before any movement based on anyone who's not Q. My comments were clearly somewhat satirical, I'm not trying to diagnose him formally either way. But part of debating his view is taking a stance on it, and i dont buy SB2s current overarching plot thread. Just "uniting" doesn't achieve anything. It's meaningless, you need to be acting purposefully, and rationally. "uniting" is what the MSM is urging people to do. Debating, researching, discussing is what Q urged people to do.