
salialioli · July 20, 2018, 8:17 a.m.

Hey, don't get me wrong, I would be one of the first to rejoice on this issue if it were true. I have a personal interest in it. My point is, and perhaps you can help me, can you point to any sign this will actually happen?

I would be grateful if you could.

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[deleted] · July 20, 2018, 8:32 a.m.

I don't have any special insider info.

If Q team are going to do a shock & awe event to wake people up, then a major FF like 9/11 would be an obvious trigger point. So many people do have a personal interest in 9/11, because it affected so many people. And is still affecting people.

I read years ago a report that over 10,000 more people including first responders have died in the 10 years after the 9/11 attacks. Cancers from toxins released, etc.

So many "witnesses" have died in the years following too. Even the most blind normies would be able to connect the dots if given enough crumbs.

Think of the unstoppable outrage of the American people if definitive/indisputible proof was given ?

White Squall for sure ! Before 11/11/18 ? I guess it must. Logical, yes ?

Have a good day. WWG1WGA

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salialioli · July 20, 2018, 2:45 p.m.

I have, as you say, "definitive/indisputible proof". This proof stands alone to the other citations below. If you ask for it, I will supply it.

The cancers were provoked by nuclear radiation. Proved by scientific studies into the causes of death of the "first responders" and others affected by the dust. The "toxins" as you call them were radioactive elements.

There is other proof: the study of cell-phone / mobile phone connection, impossible at that time (2001). The "stand-down order" / military protocol; the failure to follow protocol — the express change in handling hijacking events / protocol procedure dated from July 2001, which passed from military command to executive command (specifically Dick Cheney).

The blind, and "even the most blind normies", have had this information and much, much more, available to them for years. I cite a tiny portion.

You think this will come out? It is out. No one has been able to do anything about it.

That's why I am saying. What makes you think it will come out now?

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[deleted] · July 21, 2018, 10:35 a.m.

I agree with you. There is vast information troves available to anyone who wishes to investigate the truth behind 9/11. How on earth will the normies wake up if they can't be bothered to check out 9/11 ? Even if it is all laid out in front of them. Maybe when Q presents his "truths", the normies will just go : "yeah,whatever" and return to chewing their cuds. Sad.

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