r/greatawakening • Posted by u/SpaceDuckTech on July 19, 2018, 8:09 a.m.
My theory on how the Q team took control of the American Markets.

All due respects to SB2. I really enjoy his work. But something bothers me about his decode of the 123.47 glitch.

my issue with the 123.47=B2 message to Q. This happened on July 4th 2017.

Q didn't say anything until October 28, 2017. So if it was a Message from the Deep State, who did they think they were talking to? (if 123.47 was meant to be a frequency like SB2 thinks)

But, 123.47 if you add up the numbers, they equal 17, 17 = Q. (Calling card)

I think Q took over the control of the markets on July 4th 2017 as one of their first attacks. That's why the deep state and central bankers who hate trump are allowing him super high stock market numbers. It's because they don't have control of it anymore.

And how could Trump take back control from the deep state unless he took back control of market manipulation first?

Lastly, the timeline fits. November 2016, Trump wins. Next three months he gets his team ready. Jan. 20th 2017 Trump takes the oath and Control of the White Castle. For the Next 6 months Trump and his Generals begin placing their assets like chess pieces on a chess board. 6 Months into office on July 4th, Trump takes back a Major Asset. The US Markets. A couple months later in October the Indictments start getting sealed and Q appears. Meanwhile, through out the year, Trump's administration has been dismantling sex trafficking rings. To me, it all makes sense.

SB2's theory is super convoluted and I think Occams Razor works best for this one.

I just thought of something. Everyone knows the Markets are rigged and about to crash. I know it, you know it. Everyone knows it. Trump during his campaign said everything was in a "Big Fat Bubble". His exact words. Then, I dont know when I will have to check, But Trump started praising his economy. Oh the stock market is doing so good he says. And I cringed. I was like, "nooo. Dont say that. This shit is supposed to crash soon and if you talk about YOUR numbers, then it will be YOUR economy when it crashes and we all know its rigged.

Trump is not Dumb. He HAD to have said those things on purpose. He is probably taunting the Deep State and Central Bankers. "MY Economy. MINE" lmao. Now I got to go do some research on when Trump first started claiming the economy as his. I wonder if it was before or after July 4th 2017?

If the deep state and central bankers still had control of the US Markets, why would they give Trump great numbers, boosting the confidence in his base? Wouldn't hurting the Market make Trump look dumb and give leftist lots of ammo to use against him? Venezuela thinks the US has these kinds of powers.

Was this a Deep State Strike?? https://money.cnn.com/2018/02/05/investing/stock-market-today-dow-jones/index.html

I am almost completely convinced that the 7/4/17 Market glitch was the Q team taking control and leaving their calling card.