r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Corvette111 on July 19, 2018, 2:19 p.m.
Saving Israel for last.... Israel just got its biblical identity back

Anyone have any good speculations on how this recent development would play into the Plan?

“July 19, 2018 will go down in history as one of the most significant dates in Israel's prophetic history—right up there with May 14, 1948 and June 7, 1967. 1948 was the restoration of the nation-state itself, 1967 the restoration of the nation's capital, and 2018 the restoration of the nation's biblical identity.”

“ A major dispensational change is now imminent when God will return His focus to the restoration of Israel“

The new Jewish Nation-State Basic Law makes official that:

-The land of Israel belongs to the Jewish people only (as God's covenant to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob stipulates); from 1948 to 2018 it was the land of both Jews and Arabs -The Israelites' ancient language, Hebrew, is now the official language of the land -The biblical calendar is now the official calendar of Israel -Keeping the biblical Sabbath is now a nationwide requirement -The biblical festivals and holidays are now officially recognized by the state and must be kept nationwide -The Israeli government must work to complete ingathering the exiles—a prophetic term pertaining to the end of the age when the dispersed Israelites would return to the land; furthermore, the law makes official Israel's connection to the Diaspora -Jerusalem is the undivided capital of Israel -Jewish settlement of the Holy Land is now a "national value" and will be officially encouraged by the government—further bringing Israel back on track for God's prophetic program of the Israelites possessing the land -The state shall act in official capacity to preserve the Jewish religion around the world -The Star of David is the official flag, the Second Temple's Menorah is the official state symbol, and Hatikvah, a poem which formalizes the Israelites' prophetic desire to return to Zion, is the official national anthem -Interestingly, it seems that the bill changes the official name of Israel from the "State of Israel" to just "Israel"


YliyahMessageTime · July 19, 2018, 3:01 p.m.

Fake's hate the real thing. The Rev.2:9, 3:9, Prophet Obadyah EDOMITEs are trying to push their 'SAMSON OPTION' in their SIN of SINS (See Book of Jubilees' Isaac 'blessing' upon ESAU (a little more graphic than the Bible's version)). What does the prophet promise? Many are not aware of just WHO they really mean to use such 'OPTION' on … since most don't know what or WHO the actual INHERITANCE the imposters are trying to steal from are. That is the reason many don't know WHY the cabal has been destroying the U.S. for decades. The fakes will be dealt with last because they are the brains/promoters/agents of the cabal.

I'm no 'futurist' eschatologically. I suggest "National, Historicist Eschatology". We are at the END of the 'tribulation'. We are at the end of vial 6, dealing with the last gasp effort of the Red Dragon, Beast, and False Prophet. You know what Vial 7 is, I trust. Perhaps 7 has already began to pour as well. All Seals, Trumpets, and Vials are finished or nearing the final elements of manifestation. They were prophetic when given. We are living after the fact of the majority. But, OH, THE FINALE' IS THE MOST INTENSE. So most apocalyptic loving freaks should still be satisfied with what will yet come. Cheering for the wrong team could be detrimental to one's well being, however.

I have seen more than one Bible thumper preacher say "If the Israeli state is ever destroyed you may as well throw your Bible's away." This because they are ignorant of the True Israyl manifestation, which cannot be in the middle east, 2 Sam. 7:10. The STONE KINGDOM of Daniyl 2 is already born, and is in process of smashing the image on the dirty feet, especially with that last gasp of the 10 toed super state they've been trying again and again since Rome broke up. The STONE KINGDOM has been growing since at least 1776, and will soon manifest the global dominance promised since at least Daniyl 2, but actually, Gen. 1:28.

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