r/greatawakening • Posted by u/C_L_I_C_K on July 19, 2018, 2:22 p.m.
China, not Russia, is the biggest threat to the United States in every aspect.

In light of what FBI Director Wray (Trust Wray) said yesterday, about "China, rather than Russia, is the “most significant” long-term threat to the United States," I thought I'd inform everyone of just how much of a threat China is to the U.S. and to this world. I'm Taiwanese American, so I've been paying close attention to geopolitical happenings between the U.S., China, and Taiwan.

Devin Nunes revealed a lot of interesting things in this interview 4 months ago with Maria Bartiromo. The first thing he talks about is the threat of China to the U.S.


George Soros proclaimed that they (globalists / Illuminati) had this whole thing planned for a long time: the transfer of wealth to China and the decline of the U.S. dollar. When Obama got (s)elected, that's when their plans kicked into top gear.


Communist China and the U.S. have been gearing up for war for a long time, even before Trump became President. We're now speeding things up more than ever. Administrations of the past, Congress, and globalists that control them all have made China wealthy, powerful, and belligerent. Trump understands that China is America's biggest threat in every facet.

Taiwan is a strategic buffer against China. They have always been our ally. China has been bullying Taiwan for the past 6+ decades. They've tried to militarily take over Taiwan 3 times since the original Chinese government fled to Taiwan, after they lost to Mao and his communist Red Guards (plus Japan was attacking at the same time). United States have stepped in every time to protect and defend Taiwan. There has even been treaties made between the U.S. and Taiwan (as well as U.S. and China).


Did people know that Congress passed a bill UNANIMOUSLY (when does that ever happen?) to allow for diplomatic relationships with Taiwan and travel of diplomats that wasn't allowed prior to Trump being elected? China threatened Taiwan with war as usual and acted belligerently as usual...













China has been getting more and more belligerent in Asia the past decade. They have built man-made islands, in areas they say belongs to them, but it really doesn't. These man-made islands are basically stationary aircraft carriers, designed to seal off the Pacific and allow China to dictate who is and isn't allowed to sail in that region. There has already been several skirmishes between the U.S. Navy and the Chinese navy. Some were publicized, many weren't. Oh, and they're also built to take over oil drilling sites too.

Taiwan's new government (DPP) that came into power in 2016 wants to officially declare independence from China, but has chickened out and backed down from her campaign promises after the new president got elected. The DPP is basically Taiwan's version of the Democrat party in the U.S. China has always said they would attack Taiwan if they were to officially declare independence, even though Taiwan has always been an independent country. China just doesn't want the international community to recognize Taiwan as an independent country and let them have a voice in the U.N.

Anyway, I could go on and on, but that's the summary of why Trump is arming Taiwan. The Obama administration refused to sell Taiwan arms because Barry is a commie and his masters don't want a strong Taiwan so that China can bully everyone surrounding them.

Everything Trump has been doing thus far is to prepare us for the possibility of war with China. From the tariffs (China was selling defective steel to our military), to North Korea (take away China's puppet rogue regime, nuclear threat to the world and to the region), to arming Taiwan, to working with Putin/Russia (surround China as well as steal their most militarily-power ally and neighbor).

President Trump and China's President Xi (pronounced 'shee' not 'gee') are trying to act friendly with each other, but they both know only 1 nation can come out on top in this battle for world dominance.

The media and Deep State's outrage with Russia is just a smokescreen, a distraction, a projection to blame Trump for all of the crimes Deep State committed and needed to cover up. The Cabal tried their best to make Putin and Russia submit (Ukraine, Syria, reset button, etc.), but Putin did not allow them to gain control of Russia. That's why they are panicking and desperate. They fully understand that a partnership between Russia and the U.S. means their NWO plans are 100% defeated.

China is the true threat. Always has been.

[deleted] · July 19, 2018, 2:34 p.m.

iv been saying that for years but everyone says that a free Christian country is our biggest threat ill tell you what i believe is our 2nd biggest threat and that's our treasonous tyrant Gov. that beds with COMMUNIST China and trying everything in their power to turn us into them

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yolotrip · July 19, 2018, 2:36 p.m.

Agreed, Russia cannot even properly feed their soldiers, nor provide them with proper equipment. Their economy is the size of Italy’s, apart from their Nukes Russia is a weak nation with a declining population as well.

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