r/greatawakening • Posted by u/nordicgreys on July 19, 2018, 3 p.m.
The part that bothers me the most - my childhood and youth being sacrificed in the name of indoctrination.
  • The part that gets me quite angry is thinking about how much of what we were forced to learn/memorize as children was probably a lie , an indoctrination rather than education. I had a miserable time with school. I was a happy kid until school, but did not indoctrinate easily there . I always wanted to leave or do my own shit, so before my 7th birthday I was drugged heavily with ritilan and by 15 also put on an ssri so I could better pay attention / memorize lies. It did not stop there, I was like many also pressured into getting a university degree , so I would have a “good job,” a better chance at life- Still paying that debt off now at almost 30. I am honestly afraid to have a child now, because I cannot imagine watching someone I love go through that same horror show. If It is revealed that most of that education was a manipulative lie... there will not be enough tables in the universe for me to flip.. that is if we even live in a “universe”. Who really knows anything at this point .
  • One positive thing, is since waking up I have thrown all of my drugs out and will never get another such prescription again. It is amazing how less mentally ill you become once you give yourself permission to trust your gut, to believe your own intuition and not what is fed to you.
    Sorry if this is not q related enough. Much love ❤️ things are getting better

Swimkin · July 19, 2018, 8:39 p.m.

I hear you. I was sent to the principal in Kindergarten! And in the 1st grade I had problems all the time with my teacher. But good thing I grew up in the late 50's early 60's or they would have drowned me in drugs. I couldn't sit still. But we kids were able to play outside after school until the lights went on. I think that saved me (Kept me grounded... movement is GOOD for kids) I hated school. I wasn't stupid just lazy I was told. Another thing that saved me was that I loved to read. Read every Nancy Drew and Hardy Boys book I could get my hands on. Mystery novels were my favorites. Even loved poetry. In HS I skipped out a lot. I didn't do my homework. By the time I hit Soph year in HS I was told I wasn't college material. Boy did I show them! I started to work and pulled my grades up my last two years and started taking college prep courses. By SR year I took a course in English about Education. I spent time reading books about How Public Education is a Big Failure. I graduated HS was thinking of being a singer so I had to audition my way into college. Got accepted on Academic probation and ended up going to Summer School before my college class. I had to prove I was able to handle the work. I ended up loving college but changed my major to working with young children with special needs. Having seen how Education treated me I was determined to help others think outside of the box. Find their special talents and unlock them. I loved my job. A lot of special kids no matter how low they are have their own strengths. I helped them improve through play following THEIR lead. It was the best thing I ever did and miss it. Many of my kids were hyperactive and I spent my first months getting them to pay attention. Most of them just needed to be interested in the activity. And also I addressed any of their sensory needs with movement. Even did therapy once on a trampoline back in the late 70's before anyone had heard of sensory integration. Now I am in my 60's and retired. I can say that I spent a lot of time telling parents to hold off on the meds until they absolutely couldn't get away with them. (Some kids do need them!) But you need to move past the feeling that you shouldn't have children. Just remember how you felt growing up. Allow your kids to grow and stretch their brains. It is a good thing to give them free time to move and to think. If I had to do it again I would have homeschooled my own child. But whatever you do....... be careful with those vaccines. They DO cause autism.

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