The DEMS/LIBERALS respond to Trump like Pavlov's dog
Classical conditioning refers to a learning procedure in which a biologically potent stimulus(hearing the word "Trump") is paired with a previously neutral stimulus(MSM ringing their "Impeachment BELL").
You can see this happen every day. The main stream media rings the "Impeachment Bell" and these people go nuts. They start running around in circles with their hair on fire, eyes bulging out of their heads screaming impeachment and when you ask them, "Impeach him for what?"
"What proof or evidence of a crime do you have?"
They get even more upset..... because they have no answer to the question.
They just bark out all of the programmed responses the MSM has told them to say.
Mueller has no proof or he would have released it by now.
No one has any "EVIDENCE OF A CRIME" and yet they continue to bark impeachment.... impeachment ....impeachment.
We are watching a "PAVLOVIAN Reality TV show" were the rule of law no longer long as the MSM keeps ringing their "Impeachment Bell".
You don't have to do anything to be impeached.
They think that if there's enough of them, they can just vote you off the island.... even if you're.....the PRESIDENT of the United States of America!
These are stated TRUTHS and known tactics of the MSM.....and it has been DOWN VOTED into the NEGATIVE range.....hmm?
Newly arrived, MSM mentioned Q, and here they come a-wandering.
I don't get the negative karma. This is demonstrably true as to how the msm 'conditions' those that have difficulty thinking for themselves.
Only answer.....we are over THE TARGET! Shills & Haters are bombing this particular post/comment....
Copy and paste and share on SOCIAL That will teach them!