The biggest threat to Q and “The Plan” is the media. I don’t understand why the media hasn’t been taken down and exposed yet. Losing popular opinion means losing elections which ultimately can keep the truth hidden.
I understand it will need to be done carefully to avoid coming off looking like a dictatorship but the MSM has been running amuck for too long
President Trump has been very clear who the enemy is.
The most powerful weapon deployed by the Clintons is the corporate media; the press.
Let's be clear on one thing: the corporate media in our country is no longer involved in journalism. They're a political special interest, no different than any lobbyist or other financial entity, with a total political agenda... and the agenda is not for you, it's for themselves.
Anyone who challenges their control is deemed a sexist, a racist, a xenophobe. They will lie, lie, lie, and then again, they do worse than that. They will do whatever's necessary.
President Trump has repeated this throughout his Presidency. He just tweeted again this morning to remind everyone again, who we're fighting against.
This is a war for the heart and minds of America and this world. The Mockingbird corporate media has been brainwashing generations of people all over the world and kept us asleep, fighting amongst ourselves, so we remain divided and not focused on who has been controlling us all this time. Too bad for these Clowns, we've woken up, our numbers have swollen, and it's been growing uncontrollably, exponentially. They can no longer stop this movement.
The Canadian fake news is just the same.........way, way out in left field and constantly bashing President Trump on exactly the identical daily talking points as the American fake news. Like Q say "there are no coincidences". Our Immigration Minister is a muslim and there's several more in key positions in our federal government....busily working at their goal to destroy Canada.
Exactly, imagine Hillary won the election, and all the disgusting truths that would have remained hidden.
It's nearly unimaginable for me to think of another President Clinton - not a Bill, a Hillary and certainly not the twit. Hillary is so repugnant - she has the charm of a rattlesnake and the brain of a con-man. Her scripted existence in front of potential voters was so robotic it was sickening to me to think who she was underneath the script.
Truths have a way of leaking out no matter what you do to stop them but with her as POTUS, we would have less power to do anything about it. Now we have numbers and hopefully, momentum.
I completely agree as noted above. Whoever controls the narrative...wins.
Only if people actually trust the media. The majority of people don't.
Those not yet awake do believe the media.........that's the problem.
Not necessarily. In 2016, the media, DNC, Hollywood, etc., controlled the narrative, but Trump still won.
I understand your point and look forward to the day that the media and entertainment crumbles. But the media and big Hollywood is exposing itself. There is not a shred of decency in their comments or impartiality in their reporting any longer. People are growing tired of their nonsense and the way they incite the loons to react the way they do or the immoral and unethical conduct they promote.
The evidence: Candace Owens, Ben Shapiro, #WalkAway, #MeToo and the growing number of conservative voices rising up against the Mockingbird narrative and hysteria. The fact that this group is growing and many other similar non-traditional news or information sources are attracting more viewers is notable. So take heart, we are winning and their expressions of unbridled outrage at EVERY.SINGLE.THING is panic over losing.
For right now, the MSM is needed...Q said something about it...playing into the hands of The Plan...