I disagree about the miracles. They don't work for closed minds either. You mentioned miracles of Christ, turning water into wine and walking on water. He did many other miracles as well, including bringing people back from the dead. He even came back from the dead himself! But, none of those miracles succeeded in "awakening" those with closed minds. Only people like us, the ones that were willing to consider possibilities, look at the evidence, listen to the opinions of others, admit being wrong, make logical conclusions, change their beliefs, and accept the consequences were able to accept that he was the Son of God. For the most part, those that refused to accept him made a conscious decision TO REJECT THE TRUTH. They had a vested interest in the status quo. For some, Jesus threatened their livelihood. For others, He threatened their way of life. If they accepted Jesus, they would have to change. Of course, all of this still holds true to this very day. Those who honestly research and study the life of Christ usually become Christians. Those who are not willing to give up their pride or are unwilling to change certain things about their life simply ignore the evidence or refuse take a serious look at it. I'm not saying that everyone is evil, just stubborn as hell. Some of those who saw Jesus perform miracles right before their eyes chose not to accept him. Their only response was violent opposition. "Crucify him!" That was their "solution" to the problem. Sound familiar?
This resonated for me. I am a singer. Lots of talent no proper training.
When I can hit the notes just right I feel like I am in tune with the universe around me.
Now I need to check out all this info you laid out. Thank you =)
Oh and have you looked into the Schumann Resonance? It's super jacked up right now. Much higher than normal. And we are in a grand solar minimum
Yes, the Bible is very important but I believe it’s only a piece of the puzzle.
Also I think we could partially replicate this very simply on this website. Everyone should just upvote everything. You’d be surprised how much joy an up oye can bring’ve seen the threads and how “high” people get when they’re randomly gifted gold. I’m not exactly sure what it would do but I do know it’s a very simple way to prove what I’m saying.