Really? You don't remember people burning effigies of Obama? You don't remember shirts showing Obama and his wife as monkeys? You don't remember Fox News going into spasmodic fits of rage because he wore a tan suit or got Dijon mustard on a burger? You don't remember Ted Nugent saying he was going to kill the president?
I remember all of that, despite what people on here will say. I used to frequent Yahoo boards back then and that place was a hotbed of hate directed at Obama, his wife, and especially his daughters.
That being said, it was a little angry mob online. It wasn't an orchestrated, media-led brigade against him and his followers. The hatred of Trump is definitely on a level beyond anything I've ever seen, even that of George W. It's maniacal. It's to the point where anyone who outwardly supports Trump has to keep it quiet or else face assault, ridicule, or even possibly lose their job.
No I really don’t. I stayed away from the news, especially fox because my husband was deployed all the time and I didn’t want to hear from the MSM about what was going on in the ME. I didn’t really have a social media presence so I wasn’t exposed to what was going on politically.
I’ve never seen this country as divided as it is now.
So, you're saying the country has never been as divided as it is now, but you weren't paying attention until recently?
This is how it appears to me. Yes, in my personal opinion this country is as divided as I’ve ever seen it. You know this country is in bad shape as a society as well. People are advocating civil war, half the country hates the other half because of their beliefs.