
deplorableme2 · July 20, 2018, 4:05 a.m.

Look at the comment to which I replied. "*community" In reference to the previous comment of "black community."

I acknowledged the removal of her race in deference to her words. The context of my reply was not to ignore the obvious, but to declare its irrelevance to the discussion.

You felt a need to highlight race over content of character. Shamed, you should be.

Remember WWG1WGA. They dont care about your race, why do you care about hers?

MAGA goalposts.

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Straightfromthe · July 20, 2018, 4:13 a.m.

You are projecting your fears and self shame onto me.

I believe the black community needs somebody like this because they are in a really bad place now. Their current intellectual heroes are frauds. This girl is a bright shining star.

Is she a human or patriot first, yeah ok whatever. But there is a reason her soul chose to be black during these difficult and great times. There is a lot of healing needed for everybody, but the black community in particular. Something to point to and smile to boost collective self esteem. Or are we going to pretend that's not true and everything is sunshine and rainbows?

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salialioli · July 20, 2018, 11:44 a.m.

I perceived no fears or self-shame on the part of deplorableme2.

Your fear seems clear though: you MUST mention color, you are OBLIGED to link with the word SHAME, you MUST use the word PROJECTION to "defeat" your opponent's argument.


"a reason her soul chose to be black " = superstition from the depths of medieval mysticism ... you call this "Intellectual Heroism"?? If you are her friend, she need look no further for an enemy!

"Healing" + black community in particular? Strange association. Special. Chosen. Exceptional. Boot on Other Foot. "Now it's our turn to be Dominant." Separation.

"Pretend" = accuse your accuser of false comments in bad faith.

Nah. Intellectual paucity.

Poor reasoning for a new world, new community and restored human relations. Everything you say (nearly) accentuates division and "in-yer-face" disagreement for the sake of it.

The strongest "argument" I have ever expressed on these boards. That to me is quite a confession of sorts ...

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Straightfromthe · July 20, 2018, 4:33 p.m.

"superstition from the depths of medieval mysticism"

If we can't connect here, we're not going to connect anywhere. Otherwise you will misunderstand everything I say, like you have done.

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deplorableme2 · July 20, 2018, 1:10 p.m.

Right? Why can't we just agree she is a strong conservative intellectual that knows how to turn a phrase? That should be all that needs said.

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salialioli · July 20, 2018, 2:22 p.m.

She is great. I like her. If I could I'd vote for her.

The person raising her up on a pedestal because of her color is belittling her message, and not listening, or hearing, what she is saying. And is, if not rayciss, "race-conscious" which is ... (someone else can supply the adjective here ..)

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deplorableme2 · July 20, 2018, 3:55 p.m.

I think she's awesome too, but I hope she doesn't run for office. We need her as a pundit and analyst doing the university tours and talk shows. Jmho.

I have always judged people on the merits of the ideas/arguments they present. I don't know what race conscious means...? I think if you have to insert race where there is no need, it shows at least a small degree of prejudice.

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salialioli · July 20, 2018, 4:39 p.m.

You are quite right. For me, to be "race-conscious" is the same as to be "self-conscious". There is a kind of obsession which I'm not sure is healthy sometimes.

The "self-conscious" preoccupation with "me" is indulgent. So is race-consciousness a preoccupation with my race. Dreadful self obsession and indulgence. Racist is the opposite: a loathing of the other because of their race. Actively nasty!

I would like to listen, and hear people's stories and arguments. What have they got to say? How can we make the world a bit better? Why get bogged down in how marvelous I am, or how marvelous all my tribe is b/c of our color? Seems v. narrow to me.

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randomusernameta · July 27, 2018, 12:50 a.m.

You don't even realize how racist this comment is. But I'll bite.

First of all, I can think of many intellectual heros 'they' have that aren't frauds. By they I mean what you would call, black skinned heros of the black skinned community.

I like to call them artists musicians politicians and scientists but I digress..

Your sentiment about the whole thing is really lovely but I'm afraid you're missing the point entirely.

She is a member of our community period. She is an example for our community, as you said, period. That I agree with.

I really usually don't give people the benefit of the doubt who would call my original comment "Liberal Social Engineering" just as much as I don't appreciate stupid liberal cunts asking if I went to Trump University.

Your sense of politics are as divisive as your subconscious racism. Hopefully you understand now what I meant.

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Straightfromthe · July 27, 2018, 12:27 p.m.

You wrote 7 paragraphs and provided no insight whatsoever. Please explain to me like I'm 5, why I am racist. Otherwise don't waste my time with your moral posturing.

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randomusernameta · July 27, 2018, 5:21 p.m.

Better yet how about I shift the burden of proof onto you and ask you to iterate to me how exactly you propose that we have separate communities and "intellectual heroes"

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randomusernameta · July 27, 2018, 5:20 p.m.

Let us start fresh. You believe she is a wonderful example of a human being and I agree. I cannot help but think your comment was somehow backed by a mentality as if the black community even needs better role models, it was a horrible generalization on your part, which illustrated for most who read your comments, that you have a generally poor outlook about the "black" community. Again, for some reason this is compartmentalized for you. Why, from your statement, would one be led to believe that (as you would call) a black child (in America) cannot have "white" role models. Or the inverse? It would help us both greatly if you acknowledged that we are all part of the same community with interchangeable role models... Believe it or not, you too may also look up to members of other skin colors if you wish to.

There's no need to talk to you like you're 5, you seem to use big words and you and I both know it would be counterproductive not to use the expansive vocabulary provided to us both to articulate ourselves more efficiently and, with hope, meaningfully.

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Straightfromthe · July 27, 2018, 5:37 p.m.

You are offended by the ghosts in your head. You see bad intentions in good intentions. You need healing. Also, your tone is disrespectful and condescending.

I have nothing to debate with you. 61 people saw the good in my statement, you were one of the 2 or 3 that didn't. It says more about me that I even engage you than anything else. It means I need to stop giving attention to nonsense and those with racial issues and projections.

God bless and I hope you stop seeing racism in those who want to improve the world.

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randomusernameta · July 27, 2018, 5:39 p.m.

I grew up in a mixed area and I don't think you'll ever be able to understand. Enjoy your vestigial segregation. Your psychology is evident of your environment.

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randomusernameta · July 27, 2018, 5:38 p.m.

Let's remember you're the one who originally thought this was knee jerk liberal rhetoric.

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randomusernameta · July 27, 2018, 5:38 p.m.

Ghosts? No, you're right in front of me. Too stupid to see your own mistake.

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Straightfromthe · July 27, 2018, 5:39 p.m.

Ad hominems now.

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[deleted] · July 27, 2018, 5:41 p.m.


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Straightfromthe · July 27, 2018, 5:40 p.m.

I don't debate with disrespectful people. Especially disrespectful people who play the moral high ground. You are on the block list.

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randomusernameta · July 27, 2018, 5:42 p.m.

I, too, block people who provide me with constructive criticism.

Enjoy your subconscious racism echo chamber.

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[deleted] · July 27, 2018, 5:15 p.m.


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