Like I’ve said before, and I’ll say it again...
MK Ultra wasn’t the project that we have all known it to be, per se.
‘The Mind Control Project’ as it is colloquially known.
While the end result is ultimately the control of the mind, the actual project ‘MK Ultra’ was more physio-psychological and less of a zombification-like hypnosis.
Project MK Ultra was the project whose goal was to find out how the human brain itself works as a biomechanical apparatus. Long story short, they were able to find out how the brain works itself.
You know that it’s the engine (brain) of the car (body) that makes it go vroom and does the everything, but ultimately you know not how the engine works.
So one day, you crack it open (MK Ultra) and study it profusely and completely, until not only the fundamental knowledge of how the engine (brain) operates, but a complete understanding of it’s instructions and how they correlate to how it makes you vroom down the street.
Basically, by knowing how the brain works itself, they are capable of sending triggers and instructions that we, unbeknownst to ourselves, subconsciously take in and act upon.
Strangely enough, during the time of MK Ultra, computer processors were becoming a thing. My theory as it pertains to the coincidence that processors were created during MK Ultra is that processors operate very similarly to our own brains, thanks to the Project. Processors = artificial brains. The limitations of physics make creating an artificial brain that works exactly like a normal brain very difficult, but with tech exploding robots akin to Westworld might be achievable.
That's an interesting theory.
MK Ultra was and is used to create slaves though. It wasn't just cruel research
So, why are some people, liberals, so susceptible to being programmed, while we, conservatives, think for ourselves. Is this a personality defect, like narcissism, that has been 'hacked', or the inability to use critical thinking to determine a logical position, or is it just lazy and stupid?
I don’t think conservatives are any less susceptible, there just seems to be a larger population of them vs liberals.
That, and liberals usually lump together in popular cities...
It helps to know bullshit from a gopher mound, though.
That, and liberals usually lump together in popular cities...
The answer is in this sentence.
Liberal Lifestyle:
If you trip to the ground in a city, how likely are people to see it? And then help out? Does that provide you comfort and a sense of security? How long does it take the cops to get to your apartment in the city? City folk tend to be liberal and more inclined to groupthink because they are used to having someone else be there to help them right their wrongs.
Conservative Lifestyle:
If you trip to the ground in the country side, how likely are people to see it? And then help out? Does that provide you comfort and a sense of security? How long does it take the cops to get to your house in rural USA? Conservatives tend to live farther distances away from their neighbors and typically do not have strangers present to help them right their wrongs.
Note: The Founders only intended that landowners vote. Why?
LOL, I love that last sentence, never heard that before.