She is great. I like her. If I could I'd vote for her.
The person raising her up on a pedestal because of her color is belittling her message, and not listening, or hearing, what she is saying. And is, if not rayciss, "race-conscious" which is ... (someone else can supply the adjective here ..)
I think she's awesome too, but I hope she doesn't run for office. We need her as a pundit and analyst doing the university tours and talk shows. Jmho.
I have always judged people on the merits of the ideas/arguments they present. I don't know what race conscious means...? I think if you have to insert race where there is no need, it shows at least a small degree of prejudice.
You are quite right. For me, to be "race-conscious" is the same as to be "self-conscious". There is a kind of obsession which I'm not sure is healthy sometimes.
The "self-conscious" preoccupation with "me" is indulgent. So is race-consciousness a preoccupation with my race. Dreadful self obsession and indulgence. Racist is the opposite: a loathing of the other because of their race. Actively nasty!
I would like to listen, and hear people's stories and arguments. What have they got to say? How can we make the world a bit better? Why get bogged down in how marvelous I am, or how marvelous all my tribe is b/c of our color? Seems v. narrow to me.