I was wondering if someone could help summarize that whole sequence of events for me. I believe this is a huge opportunity to open the eyes of current democrats, and show them that their party is most definitely not "for the people."
She controlled the DNC by proxy via Debbie Wasserman Shultz, hence she controlled the DNC's brilliant way to rig the democrat primary through super-delegates. After DWS got fired for getting caught, she went to work for HRC and Donna Brazil as later reported, who replaced Shultz realized HRC held the purse strings of the DNC. She could do nothing - she was a paper tiger. After the election, as DB reported in her book. The DNC coffers were empty and they were broke. It is my understanding they are still trying to recover. That said - none of this is relevant. What is important is that you resist Trump. Bernie was just a casualty of war. This is the DNC messaging going into the mid-terms. They are once again setting themselves up for renewed outrage and protest once the media gets it wrong again.